Submissions Guidelines


UU World welcomes emailed news leads, press releases, query letters, poetry, and visual arts submissions for publication in print and/or online.

Please carefully review our submissions guidelines before sending a pitch or idea for consideration.

To be considered for, an article must be directly relevant to Unitarian Universalism and address topics that concern UUs. OpEd online articles should have a word count between 200 and 500 words maximum. does not pay for OpEd articles.

If you have an idea for a longer-form story, interview, or feature article, please send a synopsis of not more than 200 words for consideration. If our editors accept your proposal, we will contact you to commission your work.

Please send articles, resumes, or writing samples by e-mail to

For information about submitting artwork, please see our art guidelines.

Essays range in length from 300 to 1,200 words.

Feature Articles

Materials or story ideas submitted by readers have served as the basis for longer feature articles, sidebars, and profiles; these articles are usually solicited from freelancers well in advance. If you would like to be considered for UU World feature assignments, send us your resume and one or two writing samples via the submission link.

If you would like to submit a feature article, it's a good idea to query us first via our submissions. Send a letter describing the article you would like to write, the sources you would use, and your qualifications to write it along with your resume and writing samples. Payment for features is negotiated when the article is assigned.

UU News

UU World's editors are always eager to hear of events and achievements in your congregations. The following guidelines will help you to determine the type of news most likely to appear in print:

  • Projects that affect or involve the community. We want to hear about them after they've started or occurred, not when they are still in the planning stage.
  • Fires, floods, vandalism, and other calamities that affect the congregation.
  • Activities of ministers or individuals representing their congregations in the public sphere.
  • The completion of new church buildings or extensive renovations, especially if that effort is tied to climate change resiliency or environmental sustainability.

Articles for UU News are written by the UU World staff. The editors need information describing newsworthy activities (a couple of paragraphs or a press release are fine), along with contact information. If the editors wish to include an item, a reporter will then follow up.

UU News also needs good photographs. We can accept digital photos with a resolution of at least 1,200 by 1,800 pixels.

We appreciate the time and energy required to send in news items. Thank you!

General Information

We receive many manuscripts; send us your best work. Manuscripts should be succinct, well-thought-out final drafts. We do not accept previously published material or fiction, and we rarely publish unsolicited poetry. We do not publish freelance book reviews.

Send articles, resumes, or writing samples by email to

Thank you for considering UU World. Submissions increase our understanding of Unitarian Universalism and thus represent a real contribution to our efforts.
