ZIP code: 57701

ZIP code: 57701

Black Hills UU Fellowship, Rapid City, South Dakota.
Sonja L. Cohen
Rapid City, S.D.
Rapid City, S.D.
Rapid City, S.D.


Congregation farthest from an ocean

Black Hills UU Fellowship, Rapid City, South Dakota

Organized: 1984

Members: 26

Religious education enrollment: 5

Nearest UU congregation: 194 miles

Metropolitan area population: 126,382

Distance to nearest ocean: c. 1,019 miles, farther than any other UU congregation in the United States

Membership data, January 2012. The metropolitan area is defined by the federal government for statistical purposes; 2010 U.S. Census Bureau. Map by Jamie Farrant/iStockphoto; illustration by Kathy Todd.

This article appeared in the Spring 2013 issue of UU World (page 13).

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