UU World Seeker Issue


Cover of UU World Seeker issue #1 and a few inside pages
© 2016 UUA

Update: The seeker issue is currently out of print. Discussions are underway about a possible redesigned and updated edition.

UU World’s first “seeker issue,” published in 2016, was designed specifically as an introduction to Unitarian Universalism. The 32-page magazine is an anthology of articles and photographs originally published in UU World and other sources, organized in four sections: Who We Are, What We Believe, How We Gather, and What We Do. Featuring Melissa Harris-Perry, Galen Guengerich, Gail Geisenhainer, Kendyl Gibbons, and more.

The seeker issue is suitable for use in path to membership classes and congregational or individual outreach to people interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism.

How did you use your copies?

  • In Path to Membership classes
  • Offer them at community events and festivals
  • Display them at coffee hour
  • Send them to your local campus minister or interfaith center
  • Ask every member to take one and leave it somewhere in the neighborhood, like the gym or the doctor’s office
  • Put them in the packets you mail to visitors

Please contact us and let us know how you've made use of the seeker issue.
