Learn How to Protect Your Congregation from Extremist Groups

Learn How to Protect Your Congregation from Extremist Groups

A recorded workshop hosted by the UUA Safer Congregations Team is available for purchase.

Staff Writer
A pink paper heart that's broken and the two pieces are joined by tape. The heart is on a black background.
© Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash+


Last October, the UUA Safer Congregations Team hosted a one-day online conference “Threats from Without, Care from Within,” which focused on helping congregations prepare for a variety of safety situations resulting from increased targeting from extremist groups. A recording of the event is now available online for $15 from the UU Institute.

The workshop helps participants:

  • Anticipate and plan for how to respond to violent threats, vandalism, doxxing, and other forms of intimidation and harassment.
  • Understand what is happening to our congregations as an outgrowth of our core commitment to the inherent worthiness and dignity of every person: when authoritarian political leaders seek to dehumanize people, we show up.
  • Develop strategies for community safety in our congregations, helping them be safer places for everyone, especially people with marginalized and/or targeted identities who may feel under attack.

The conference featured workshops on congregational safety, communicating in a crisis, safety and care for members of targeted communities, addressing destructive behavior at church, and more, as well as worship, inspiration, congregational stories, and a keynote panel discussion. Learn more at the UU Institute's site.
