Daily updates from UUA General Assembly

Daily updates from UUA General Assembly

Follow the UUA's annual meeting with uuworld.org's GA blog, June 20-24.


Keep up with business at the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, June 20-24 in Portland, Ore., with updates from uuworld.org.

Tom Stites will file daily reports to the magazine’s General Assembly Blog. You can also keep up by using the GA blog feed, or by signing up for email delivery. For extended coverage of GA events and workshops, including audio and video of major programs, please see the General Assembly section at UUA.org.

For the first time, this year’s General Assembly will use a decision-making process called “Open Space Technology” to discuss priorities for the Association. GA-goers will divide into small groups to talk about Unitarian Universalism’s mission in the world; the top priorities identified by the small groups will be referred back to the delegates for discussion and a vote in Sunday morning’s plenary session. (See Don Skinner’s report on the Open Space initiative for more information.)

The business agenda contains most of the items delegates will be voting on. Among them: A Statement of Conscience on moral values in a pluralistic society (pdf) and two bylaw amendments (pdf) that would identify the UUA moderator as the Association’s “chief governance officer” and would clarify the Board of Trustees’ authority to approve rules adopted by the Board of Review.

Candidates for positions on UUA boards and committees will be elected after a candidates' forum Friday evening; all candidates are running unopposed. (Ushers will distribute printed statements from candidates; see also pages 51-54 in the Summer issue of UU World.)

Delegates will vote on the Statement of Conscience in Saturday morning’s plenary. Actions of Immediate Witness, which are social action resolutions introduced at GA, will be presented in Saturday morning’s plenary and voted on in Sunday morning’s plenary. The bylaw amendments and any responsive resolutions will be voted on during Sunday afternoon’s plenary.

Watch for uuworld.org’s news report about General Assembly on Friday, June 29, and complete coverage in UU World’s Fall issue.

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