The Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Unitarian Universalist Association leadership development associate for youth and young adults of color, was among protesters arrested today in St. Louis, Missouri. The civil disobedience at the Department of Justice followed a weekend of events in Missouri marking the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown.
Unitarian Universalists gathered on Friday evening for an ingathering and rally at Eliot Unitarian Chapel in Kirkwood, Missouri. The Rev. Julie Taylor oriented out-of-town visitors to the local situation. The Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, UUA program and strategy officer, brought greetings from the UUA. St. Louis native Kim Hampton spoke, as did the Rev. DC Fortune.
On Saturday over seventy UUs joined the weekly vigil held for the last ten months by Emerson Unitarian Universalist Chapel.
Sunday events in Ferguson included a march from the place where Michael Brown was murdered to Greater St. Mark Church. UUs came from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Madison, and Bloomington, Indiana.
See more participant reporting at the twitter hashtag #uuwithferguson and on the Standing on the Side of Love Facebook page.