Black History Month Reflection: The Change by Mathew P. Taylor

Black History Month Reflection: The Change by Mathew P. Taylor

Guided by faith that this too will pass / We can survive this because our ancestors survived

Mathew P. Taylor
Black man in dynamic motion with reflection
© Don Smith/Stocksy


I can feel the change coming
Like growing pains
I feel the change in my bones
Pulling me
Stretching me
Forming me
Into the true I am 
Can you feel it?

The change in our bodies
As we adapt
The weight shifting and molding to fit
This evolving body that we are in
Guided by faith that this too will pass
We can survive this because our ancestors survived
Can you feel them in your DNA?
You, a mixture of their particles that was molded to
fit your spirit
Change and shift
Mold and grow
Yet in some ways
we stay the same
