This week the Unitarian Universalist Association installed a neon sign in support of the Black Lives Matter movement outside the chapel in its Boston headquarters building. The “#BLACKLIVESMATTER” sign, glowing white against a black wall, faces the memorial to three civil rights martyrs in Selma, Alabama, in 1965.
In a press release announcing the neon art installation, the UUA said, “The story told through the journey across the space from the Selma plaque to the #BlackLivesMatter installation shows just how much work there is still to be done on issues of racial justice in the U.S.”
The installation is impossible to miss on the west wall of the Second Floor Commons, one of the two public spaces at the UUA’s headquarters building at 24 Farnsworth Street in Boston.

The “#BLACKLIVESMATTER” neon art installation at 24 Farnsworth Street in Boston. (© Christopher L. Walton)