May the fire of this chalice we light today guide us through these days together. May it warm our hearts, may it guide our actions, may it illuminate our thinking, and may it remain with you throughout our time together.
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The audience sings during the opening celebration.

Jyvonne Haskin sings during the Service of the Living Tradition on June 20.

Yadenee Hailu preaches during a June 22 worship service.

UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray and the Rev. Sunshine Wolfe (who wears a trans pride flag on their arm, as many members of TRUUsT did at GA) take the stage during the Sunday morning worship service June 23.

The Rev. Lindi Ramsden, director of Partnerships and Emerging Programs and visiting assistant professor of Faith and Public Life at Starr King School for the Ministry, preaches at the Service of the Living Tradition on Thursday, June 20, 2019.
It is time now
Climate injustice is layered on top of centuries of colonialism and conquest, stolen land, and slave labor, and indigenous genocide. There are important signs of progress, but there still is such a long way to go to acknowledge and honorably address the historic need for truth telling, for reparations and healing.
But now is the time to go all in, to think big, to address foundational issues. Massive public and private resources will be mobilized. The question is, where? And in whose interest will those investments be made? It is so important to leverage this moment and this time of gathering momentum to advance equity, to create climate justice. It is time now, and what a time to be alive.
Now, nothing slows momentum like giving up hope. And hope is not optional for those whose lives stretch out into the next seventy years. For me, hope is not a feeling to have or not have. It is a virtue to be cultivated, a religious practice that nourishes your soul.
—The Rev. Lindi Ramsden
Watch GA 2019 #278 Service of the Living Tradition (YouTube)

John Hubert conducts the Singers of the Living Tradition choir.

The Rev. Lauren Smith, director of Stewardship and Development, offers a reflection during the June 20 morning worship service.

Zachary Welch interprets a worship service in American Sign Language.

Participants weave ribbons with written messages into a circle frame during the CUUPs (Covenant of UU Pagans) Summer Solstice celebration.

The Rev. Kimberley Debus distributes communion during the UU Christian Fellowship service.

Mathew Taylor strikes a singing bowl during a worship hosted by DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries).

Everette R.H. Thompson speaks during the Church of the Larger Fellowship’s worship service.

The Rev. Jacqueline Ziegler and other participants circle a shrine assembled during “Community Arts and Embodied Prayer for Ecological Justice,” sponsored by UU Ministry for Earth and Church for Our Common Home.

People take part in a walking meditation during a youth worship service.

Emerson Finkle leads a responsive reading during the Synergy Bridging Worship honoring the transition from youth to young adulthood.

UUs, including the Rev. Alison Miller, pray during the UUs for Jewish Awareness Shabbat service.
Sunday Morning Worship

Alison Chase and Jaiya Valentín Chase read as the Rev. Marta I. Valentín lights the chalice at Sunday morning worship.

Martha Swisher conducts the GA choir at Sunday morning worship.

The Rev. Sunshine Wolfe.

Julica Hermann de la Fuente.

Singers Francisco Ruiz, GA music coordinator Emily Jaworski,Jyvonne Haskin, and LeLaina Romero.

The Rev. Lindasusan V. Ulrich.

Cellist Clovice A. Lewis Jr. and conductor Martha Swisher.
The print edition misidentified the person lighting the chalice in the opening celebration, on pages 18 and 19. We regret the error.