Bruce Knotts is the director of the Unitarian Universalist Office at the United Nations. He worked for Raytheon in Saudi Arabia and on a World Bank contract in Somalia before joining the Department of State as a U.S. diplomat in 1984. Bruce retired from the Foreign Service in 2007 and joined the Unitarian Universalist Office at the United Nations as its executive director in 2008.
Learn more about Bruce Knotts on UUA.org.
By Bruce Knotts
UU Nations: Why Was Russia Allowed to Veto the UN Resolution on Ukraine?Bruce Knotts
If Russia abstained—as Article 27 of the UN Charter requires—the resolution would have passed.
UU Nations: Ukraine and Our Commitment to PeaceBruce Knotts
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reminds us that peace, justice, and human rights are linked and interdependent.
UU Nations: Reprisals Against Human Rights Defenders at the UNBruce Knotts
Human rights defenders—especially women and LGBTQ+ people—can suffer harsh consequences in their home countries for working with the United Nations.
Fighting Supremacy in the Global ArenaRoger Santodomingo, Bruce Knotts
An interview with Bruce Knotts, director of the Unitarian Universalist Office at the United Nations and new UU World columnist.