By Jane Greer
District board protests firing of its executiveJane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonUUA, Pacific Central District 'moving forward together' after disagreeing about firing of district executive.
Morales visits Unitarians and humanitarian partners in IndiaJane GreerUUA President on two-week visit with Holdeen India partners and Unitarians in North East India.
UU United Nations Office to rejoin UUAJane GreerMove will give UN office, UUA greater advocacy strength.
Board focused on planning for 2012 General AssemblyJane GreerWill ask to eliminate Actions of Immediate Witness; hears proposal for smaller board.
Fire destroys 100-year-old Oregon churchJane GreerUU Fellowship of Klamath County grieves loss of building.
Dunning celebrates persistence in repeal of DADTJane GreerZoe Dunning, a retired Navy commander and Unitarian Universalist, stood by President Obama’s side as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was repealed.
Ann Arbor congregation uses wind powerJane GreerUnitarian Universalist congregation builds wind turbine; Minnesota church to do the same.
Board approves two-year project to shape UUA’s visionJane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonWill invite congregations to use Appreciative Inquiry to develop ‘shared vision for denomination’s future.’
Offering a room to asylum seekersJane GreerMembers of two N.J. Unitarian Universalist congregations host political asylum seekers as part of interfaith group.
William Schulz named new UUSC presidentJane GreerSchulz chosen for his leadership on human rights.
UUA board seeks big changes from districtsJane Greer
Proposed bylaw changes would end district election of trustees; other changes would allow off-site General Assembly delegates.
UUA challenges oil company’s political spendingJane GreerShareholder resolution questions oil company’s $4 million effort to delay California’s global warming law.
Board eyes reforms in time for Arizona General AssemblyJane GreerBoard discusses authorizing off-site GA delegates, reducing its own size, and reforming GA resolutions.
UUA leaders begin planning 2012 General AssemblyJane GreerPlanning Committee recommends expanded video coverage of 2011 GA, calls for review of Actions of Immediate Witness.
Morales questions Dalai Lama about science and religionJane GreerUUA president part of a discussion with Dalai Lama at IARF Congress in India.
Gainesville UUs respond to Qur’an-burning threatJane GreerGainesville, Fla., interfaith community coalesces around threat to burn Muslim scriptures on 9/11 anniversary.
Morales visits Unitarian Universalists in the PhilippinesJane GreerUUA president’s visit will renew historic ties with UU Church of the Philippines.
Celebration marks 20th anniversary of partner church movementJane GreerTransylvanian and North American Unitarian Universalists have formed deep ties since fall of Communism.
Building houses, strengthening a churchJane Greer
Service trips to Nicaragua help revitalize Wisconsin church.
UUs cheer judge's ruling against California Prop 8Jane Greer
Prop 8 legally invalidated, case expected to go to Supreme Court.
General Assembly focuses UUA on immigrationJane GreerSelects immigration for four-year study; approves UUA election reforms.
'Justice' General Assembly to be held in PhoenixJane GreerDays and nights of work result in a plan most can endorse
AIW to end the blockade of Gaza failsJane Greer
General Assembly agenda includes contentious issuesJane GreerDelegates to vote on Ariz. boycott, election reform, and ‘peacemaking’ Statement of Conscience.
Antiracism groups raise concerns about Arizona GAJane GreerIn debate over UUA’s 2012 General Assembly, DRUUMM modifies boycott stance; LUUNA and ARE still favor boycott.
UUA president urges UUs not to boycott Phoenix GAJane Greer
UUs conflicted over boycott of Phoenix as General Assembly site in 2012.
Unitarian Universalists debate boycotting ArizonaJane Greer
Organizations and individuals take sides over boycotting the state, site of the 2012 General Assembly, over its new law targeting undocumented immigrants.
Bid to rename Thomas Jefferson District fails againJane GreerMotion to change UUA district’s name falls short by 3 votes.
UUA pulls pension fund from FidelityJane GreerBoard of Trustees approves switch to TIAA-CREF over Fidelity’s ties in Darfur.
UUA contemplates bold changesJane Greer, Donald E. Skinner, Christopher L. Walton
A guide to changes promoted by the Board of Trustees and by the UUA administration.
Board calls for General Assembly boycott of ArizonaJane GreerWill ask delegates to approve withdrawing from contracts for 2012 GA in Phoenix; change could cost the UUA $615,000.
Board, president question Commission on Appraisal’s roleJane GreerUUA Board of Trustees partially restores Commission’s budget, but is reviewing ‘accountability’ of elected UUA committees.
Sexuality training now required for UU seminariansJane GreerNew requirement will help clergy deal with a broad range of sex-related issues.
D.C. Universalist church hosts 10 couples' weddingsJane GreerTen same-sex couples from Maryland wed in Washington, D.C., church on March 9.
William Schulz to serve as interim UUSC headJane GreerSearch for former CEO Charlie Clements’s successor underway.
Church coffee house welcomes GLBTQ youthJane GreerMassachusetts UU congregation works with other community groups to sponsor teen program.
UUA eliminates Washington advocacy officeJane GreerReorganization to merge several departments; 15 employees laid off.
Pick up a hammer at 2010 General AssemblyJane GreerSign up for UUSC’s Habitat for Humanity camp or volunteer to revitalize a downtown neighborhood in Minneapolis in June.
Ugandan UUs oppose anti-homosexuality billJane GreerUnitarian Universalists mobilize opposition to legislation that could make homosexuality a capital crime.
UUA board vows to transform governanceJane GreerWill ask General Assembly to reduce number of trustees; change would have implications for districts.
Rzepka steps down from CLF’s global ministryJane GreerIn ten years leading the Church of the Larger Fellowship, the Rev. Dr. Jane Rzepka brought Unitarian Universalism’s “church without walls” to the Web.
UUA board considers far-reaching governance reformJane Greer
Trustees plan to propose changes to General Assembly, trim board, and formalize new regional structure; election changes placed on 2010 GA agenda.
‘This is what progress looks like’Jane GreerThe Rev. Keith Kron on the fight for marriage equality and other aspects of Unitarian Universalist support for GLBT people.
D.C. gay marriage law signed at Unitarian churchJane GreerInterfaith clergy coalition mobilized to promote same-sex marriage in nation’s capital.
Restoring a Gilded Age churchJane Greer
Church built to honor William Ellery Channing in 1880 is restored for the 21st century.
UUA health plan blends insurance with social justiceJane Greer
Plan now covers 745 employees of UU congregations and organizations; new benefits added each year.
Morales plans comprehensive review of UU ministryJane Greer
Trustees to focus on relationships with congregations; UUA’s investments rebound.
New system announced for choosing GA workshopsJane GreerMost General Assembly workshops will focus on congregational growth, new directions in ministry, and social justice.
Nine same-sex Minnesota UU couples marry in IowaJane GreerUnity Church-Unitarian sponsors 'Love Bus' to Des Moines UU Church.
UUA staff restructuring adds new V.P. positionJane Greer
Limpert named as vice president of Ministries and Congregational Support.
UUA launches 'Standing on the Side of Love' campaignJane GreerNew website, resources to help congregations rally local communities on behalf of marginalized people.
Knoxville churches mark shooting anniversaryJane GreerUnitarian Universalist congregations reflect on first year after a deadly shooting rampage.
UU convicted of littering while supplying humanitarian aidJane Greer
Ministry provides water, supplies to migrants crossing Arizona desert
UUA shifts international focus to congregationsJane GreerSinkford’s presidency focused less on institutional alliances, set up resources for churches seeking international partners.
Board proposes changes to UUA electionsJane GreerSearch committee would nominate candidates for president for a six-year term; board would nominate candidates for moderator.
Sinkford to join UU Urban Ministry staffJane GreerUUA president accepts one-year appointment after conclusion of term.
UUA cuts staff, reorganizes departments to balance budgetJane GreerEquivalent of 13 full-time positions eliminated; Congregational Services to be reorganized.
The mini-golf churchJane Greer
Unitarian Universalists congregation in Colorado Springs bought an amusement park in 2007.
UUA board votes to end independent affiliate statusJane GreerHears update on UUA cost-cutting measures, places new Principles and Purposes on GA agenda.
Boston’s Channing Elementary School draws UU tutorsJane GreerInterfaith program provides classroom assistants, clothing, school supplies, and food
UU minister to lead former Universalist collegeJane GreerThe Rev. Dr. William L. Fox elected St. Lawrence University’s eighteenth president.
New ministry to train congregants in construction skillsJane Greer
TUUL-Belt Ministry to deploy UUs to disaster sites for rebuilding, pastoral care
UU a leader in campaign to end U.S. tortureJane GreerLinda Gustitus, president of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, is a Unitarian Universalist.
UUA urges Calif. Supreme Court to overturn Prop. 8Jane GreerProposition 8 threatens the constitutional rights of all minority groups, according to lawsuit filed by religious coalition.
Hallman, Morales share visions for UUA presidencyJane GreerCandidates for 2009 election take questions at New England fall conference.
Economic concerns foremost at October board meetingJane GreerUUA board hears financial reports, works on policy governance.
Ted Sorensen, JFK's Unitarian speechwriterJane GreerIn Kennedy's inaugural address, he concludes saying, "With history the final judge of our deeds . . ." That's not what other churches would say. That's Unitarianism.
Joe Barnhart remembers friend Linda KraegerJane GreerKnoxville church-shooting victims part of a close-knit circle of family and friends.
‘The fabric of our church community has been torn’Jane GreerWestside Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville mourns victims of church shooting.
Knoxville church adapts to aftermath of shootingJane GreerTVUUC leaders grateful for outpouring of support, preparing for long road to recovery.
Fund raises $41,000 for Knoxville church shooting victimsJane GreerGifts will support ‘spiritual care and practical financial assistance’; other donors fund UUA ad in New York Times.
'I've never been so proud to be a Knoxvillean'Jane GreerHistorian John Bohstedt talks about tackling the gunman who killed two at Tennessee Valley UU Church; reflects on city’s response.
Knoxville stands with grieving UUs after shootingsJane GreerUUA president delivers message of hope one day after shooter's rampage in Unitarian Universalist church.
General Assembly endorses youth 'empowerment'Jane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonUUA’s 2008 convention asks for annual reports from congregations and denominational groups about youth and young adult empowerment.
Burmese cyclone fund raises more than $100,000Jane GreerUUSC-UUA fund has disbursed $30,000 already; relief delivery complicated and slow.
Dan Brody seeks reelection as UUA financial advisorJane GreerNewton, Mass., finance expert seeks second term as UUA officer at 2009 General Assembly.
UUA seeks reconciliation for historical wrongsJane GreerUU minister discovers slave-trading ancestor.
UUA, UUSC raise funds for Burmese cyclone victimsJane GreerRepressive government, poor infrastructure hamper relief efforts.
Board urges transparency in youth ministry transitionJane GreerAt April meeting, UUA board approves funding for youth ‘transition team’ in place of YRUU.
Career diplomat heads UU United Nations OfficeJane Greer
Bruce Knotts brings experience, savvy to United Nations post.
UUA, other investors pressure Fidelity over SudanJane GreerShareholder resolutions would bar investments that ‘contribute to genocide’ in Darfur, elsewhere.
Laurel Hallman, candidate for UUA presidentJane GreerMinister of First Unitarian Church of Dallas emphasizes comfort with religious language, UUA services.
Peter Morales, candidate for UUA presidentJane GreerMinister of Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, Colo., sees growth, social justice as priorities.
Local TV show sheds light on mental illnessJane GreerUU minister conducts mental health ministry via public access TV.
UUA suspends funding for young adult networkJane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonC*UUYAN has cancelled annual conferences; UUA staff groups serving youth and young adults expected to merge.
Concert for Appalachian mountaintopsJane GreerKentucky church youth group raises money to stop mountaintop removal coal mining.
UUA board reaffirms Florida General AssemblyJane GreerMinisters Association pulls out of GA convention center.
New archive celebrates UU people of colorJane GreerSankofa Project shares photos and documents from past and present UUs of color.
Recycling an old churchJane Greer
Elements from a 1911 church are incorporated into a new sanctuary for Unitarian Universalists in Peoria.
Arson suspected in Pasadena church fireJane GreerThroop Unitarian Universalist Church waits for investigation's results.
Scholarships aid UU doctoral studentsJane GreerRevitalized program increases scholarship amounts; Unitarian Universalist scholars gather at AAR.
Exhibit features D.C. church's activist clergyJane GreerAll Souls Church, Unitarian, in Washington celebrates 186 years of clergy activism.
Security at 2008 General Assembly concerns UUA boardJane GreerOctober meeting approves fifth independent affiliate, plans review of General Assembly, elections practices.
Sinkford urges churches to seek international partnersJane GreerUnitarian Universalist Partner Church Council looking for more church partners.
Spiritual landmark in Second LifeJane Greer
Building a Unitarian Universalist church in a virtual reality world.
UUA and UCC collaborate on antiwar protestJane GreerLeaders of Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ deliver 73,000 signatures to Congress.
Unitarian Universalism's army of volunteersJane GreerUUA committee members contribute thousands of hours to make the Association work.
Louisiana UUs decry racism in 'Jena Six' caseJane GreerTwo Unitarian Universalist congregations protest racial injustice.
Young adult summer internships combined service, spiritualityJane Greer14 UU college students took part in Summer of Spirituality and Service.
UU minister performs Iowa's first same-sex weddingJane GreerGay couple married by Unitarian Universalist minister before court blocked other weddings.
Racism subject of church group's playJane GreerDignity Players tackle social justice themes in Annapolis.
Star Island reopens after unexpected closureJane GreerPopular N.H. summer conference center cleared by fire chief; executive director resigns.
'High-Five' challenge increases giving at New York churchJane GreerStaten Island congregation responds to call to compensate staff fairly.
Two New England UUA districts consolidateJane GreerJuly 2008 merger of New Hampshire-Vermont and Northeast districts to offer revitalization and increased services.
Antiwar song inspires peace movementJane GreerUnitarian Universalist Association and UU Service Committee join 'Where is the Rage?' project, protesting Iraq war.
Trustee endows new scholarship at Meadville LombardJane GreerChicago seminary announces second merit-based scholarship as part of plan to recruit top students.
UUA pressures Fidelity over Sudanese investmentsJane GreerPresident Sinkford calls for change of policy at UUA’s fund manager; retirement plan holders urged to change funds.
Board shifts funding priorities for theological educationJane Greer
Board of Trustees gives new goals to Panel on Theological Education, applies new rules to independent affiliates, proposes change in moderator's role.
UUA persuades hotel chain to open up on energy useJane GreerStarwood corporation responds favorably to shareholder resolution on global warming.
Liberal religious groups lobby for comprehensive sex educationJane GreerTeens join UUA-UCC effort promoting end to abstinence-only sex education.
Couple's peace witness inspires congregationJane GreerRochester, N.Y., couple builds peace network in their Unitarian Universalist church.
Youth service trip stranded by blizzardJane GreerChicago Unitarian Universalists come to aid of Mass. teens returning from service project.
Unitarian radio station has global ambitionsJane GreerTransylvanian Internet radio station broadcasts Unitarian values, adds English-language programming.
UUA calls for shareholder votes on CEO payJane Greer
Unitarian Universalist Association files shareholder resolutions on executive compensation with three major corporations.
Washington church hosts tent cityJane GreerHomeless encampment at Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation can stay 90 days.
Teen raises money for Botswana orphanageJane Greer14-year-old Annie Arnzen raises $10,000 from schools, churches, community for African orphanage.
Hundreds of UUs attend Iraq protest in Washington, D.C.Jane GreerUnitarian Universalists from 13 states travel to capitol.
Beth Miller leads department in transitionJane GreerUnitarian Universalist Association's multifaceted ministry staff group broadens its mission.
Meadville Lombard announces new scholarshipJane GreerGift from Spencer and Susan Lavan to encourage academic excellence at Chicago seminary.
Churches respond to global AIDS crisisJane GreerUnitarian Universalist congregations raise funds, lobby for international AIDS relief.
Feast and famine at church supperJane GreerGuests experience wealth and poverty at Swampscott, Mass., ‘Hunger Banquet.’
UU civil rights martyr posthumously honoredJane GreerViola Liuzzo inducted into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame.
UU church display a reminder of domestic violenceJane GreerSilhouettes of slain women memorialize domestic homicides.
Unitarian Universalists condemn 'torture' lawJane GreerSeveral UU groups say Military Commissions Act allows torture and strips detainees of habeas corpus rights.
New York UUs reaping bountiful harvestJane GreerOrganic gardening project distributes fresh produce to food pantries.
UU tackles patient safety after tragedyJane GreerIlene Corina of the South Nassau UU Congregation became an activist after her son's death in 1990.
Transylvanian Unitarians rebuild, look to futureJane GreerDonations from UUA, Partner Church Council help restore villages ravaged in last year's floods.
Restructured UU Women's Federation turns to grant givingJane Greer, Donald E. SkinnerUUWF now funds women's social justice projects instead of providing direct services to congregations.
Knoxville UU teens demonstrate for right to hold hands in publicJane GreerAfter facing harassment, gay teens organize protest drawing 200.
UU shot in Seattle hate crimeJane Greer
American Muslim gunman shoots 5, kills 1 at Jewish Federation.
Anti-abortionists target UU church in MississippiJane Greer
Members of Operation Save America demonstrate at Jackson church as part of effort to close Mississippi's last abortion clinic.
Program strengthens church social justice workJane GreerLong-running UUA program helps congregations evaluate and strengthen their social justice programs.
UU ministers protest Marriage Protection AmendmentJane GreerReligious leaders travel to Washington to oppose amendment barring same-sex marriage.
Harvard announces professorship in Unitarian Universalist studiesJane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonFunding completed for Ralph Waldo Emerson Professor; scholar will study Unitarian Universalism and other liberal religious traditions.
Strengthening local young adult leadersJane GreerNew conferences bring UU young adult leadership training to the local level.
Hundreds use opportunity to junk old computersJane GreerMichigan interfaith alliance’s e-waste collection nets 300 tons.
Unitarian Universalists rally for end to genocideJane GreerUUA President takes the stage at national rally to save Darfur.
Congregations to set agenda for General AssemblyJane GreerNew survey designed to draw more congregational participation.
Quilting as a spiritual practiceJane GreerUnitarian Universalists quilt with Muslims, Catholics, Protestants for Boston-area interfaith exhibit.
UU church creates an outdoor labyrinthJane GreerThe Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church in Charlottesville, Virginia, is practicing a centuries-old tradition.
UUA to help congregations with international connectionsJane GreerDirector of Partner Church Council hired to lead UUA's review of international work.
UUs prominent in state battles for gay marriageJane Greer, Tom Stites
Unitarian Universalists flex new political muscle lobbying for marriage equality.
UU church hosts Senator Kennedy for living wage rallyJane GreerMartin Luther King Jr. Day event promotes economic justice for low-wage earners.
Tsunami fund focuses on marginalized populationsJane Greer
$2 million raised by Unitarian Universalist partnership helps marginalized populations and women affected by 2004 disaster.
Three UUs arrested at Capitol budget protestJane Greer, Donald E. SkinnerInterfaith protest against proposed federal budget cuts.
New director of UU United Nations OfficeJane GreerJim Nelson brings international experience to advocacy and educational organization.
Churches relying on renewable energy sourcesJane GreerWind, solar, and geothermal power in use or planned at several Unitarian Universalist churches.
UUA ad on the Big Apple big screenJane GreerTimes Square video will run 24 days around Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve.
Largest gathering of Cuban Unitarian UniversalistsJane GreerUnitarian Universalism gains momentum in Cuba.
A death in Iraq; a church changedJane Greer
Flash floods damage Unitarian villages in TransylvaniaJane GreerPartner churches in U.S. rally to help historic Unitarian communities; UUA raises relief funds.
Gulf Coast Relief Fund tops $1 millionJane Greer$1,005,731 given to UUA-UUSC hurricane relief fund; online technology played major role.
The 'spiritual voice' for marriage equality in CaliforniaJane Greer
Despite the governor's expected veto, Unitarian Universalists celebrate California legislature's vote for marriage equality.
Maryland UUs battle for marriage equalityJane GreerSame-sex couples sue for marriage licenses in Baltimore.
All Souls rings 'Abolition Bell' for Iraq deadJane GreerWashington, D.C., Unitarian church rings its 1822 Revere bell to honor soldiers and Iraqis killed in the war.
Unitarian Universalist minister named Zen masterJane GreerThe Rev. James Ishmael Ford is the first Unitarian Universalist minister to be named a Zen master.
Martin Sheen to play Rumsfeld at mock trial; torture practices focus of weekendJane Greer'Call for Justice Weekend,' sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, will protest U.S. torture policies.
Beacon Press ends three-year test with $500K surplusJane GreerBeacon Press exceeds requirements set by the UUA Board.
Unitarian Universalist is first female chaplain at GitmoJane GreerThe Rev. Cynthia Kane is one of four military chaplains at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay.
Frank Lloyd Wright's UU churchesJane GreerArchitect with Unitarian roots designed two famous Unitarian Universalist churches.
'Your maxims are proverbs of ashes'Christopher L. Walton, Jane GreerWhat to do when experience challenges tradition.
Books by UU authors, Spring 2008Jane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Gratitude, paying attention, and multiculturalismJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Resources on corporate privilegeJane Greer, Tom StitesLearn more about corporate privilege and ways citizens can work for change.
Fellowship puts down roots in town centerJane Greer
North Carolina congregation moved into a former dry-cleaning facility.
Church meets gold standard for green buildingsJane Greer
Ohio fellowship builds first LEED gold-certified place of worship in America.
The church in the hillJane Greer
Architect of Jacksonville, Fla., church wanted building to look like an extension of the land.
Sharing books, living in exile, and church vs. stateJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Books by UU authors, Spring 2010Eric Fershtman, Jane GreerA selection of recent books by Unitarian Universalists.
Talismans, blogs, torture, and the Gulf CoastJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Two die in Knoxville church shootingJane Greer, Donald E. Skinner
Knoxville congregations, UUs nationwide reaffirm openness after July 27 attack.
What in the World?, Winter 2005Jane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
UU culture, identity, and congregationsJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Paradise, symbols of childhood, and forgivenessJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Mailbox, Fall 2008Jane GreerYour letters let us know if we inspire, console, provoke, or even bore you.
Abortion, the religious left, and Christmas ghostsJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Living heroically, dying well, and inspiring musicJane Greer
Questions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Children’s questions, covenants, and anxietyJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Immigration group is GA service projectJane Greer
Maryland congregation meets in a yurtJane Greer
Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalists builds inexpensive new home.
Communities fight backJane GreerPeople across the country are finding new ways to set democratic limits to corporate power.
Awe, ethical eating, and parents' worriesJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Money, prejudices, war, family rituals, and moreJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Books by UU authors, Winter 2008Jane Greer, Sonja L. CohenA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Killer apes, spiritual experiences, and theaterJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Members donated prisms and crystals for church skylightJane Greer
Tree motifs prominent in San Antonio church.
Remembering the victims of Knoxville church shootingJane GreerIn memoriam: Linda Kraeger and Greg McKendry.
Gothic ornaments crown a S.C. Unitarian churchJane Greer
Historic landmark draws visitors, TV cameras.
UU congregation celebrates 325-year-old buildingJane Greer
Hingham, Mass., church dates to Puritan era.
Books by UU authors, Fall 2008Rosalie Davis, Jane GreerA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Nomadic Americans, elephants, and UU saintsJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Congregational news roundupJane GreerJordan School alumni, junior philanthropists, church anniversaries, and more.
Church's $600K gift to aid hungryJane GreerBrief congregational news items from the Spring 2010 issue.
What in the World? Fall 2006Jane Greer
Books by UU authors, Summer 2007Jane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Singing, 'Open Space,' and reconciliationJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Mailbox, Summer 2006Jane Greer
Books by UU authors, Winter 2007Jane GreerA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Mailbox, Spring 2008Jane GreerArticle on Unitarian Universalism and class continues to draw responses.
Books by UU authors, Summer 2008Jane Greer, Christopher L. WaltonA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Books by UU authors, Spring 2009Jane GreerA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
New Wichita church full of spaces for childrenJane Greer
New UU building also has 'safe' rooms built to withstand tornadoes.
Superheroes, interfaith families, and ethical oathsJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions
Colorado congregation enjoys increased spaceJane Greer
Jefferson Unitarian Church keeps growing, building.
UU children, holy evolution, and a church rebornJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussion.
Record giving for disaster victimsJane Greer, Tom Stites
Dignity, holding on, and Thanksgiving turkeysJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Mailbox, Winter 2005Jane Greer
Books by UU authors, Winter 2009Sonja L. Cohen, Jane Greer, Eric FershtmanA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Small fellowship builds without debtJane Greer
Huntsville, Texas, Unitarian Universalists build a church for $105,000.
Imperfection, playing God, and universal religionJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
Marriage, power, and small group ministryJane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussion.
Mailbox, Fall 2006Jane Greer
Mailbox, Summer 2009Jane GreerEvaluating Darwin's legacy, dismissing spirituality, and praising the cover.
Jefferson Unitarian Church has expanded three timesJane Greer
Colorado church’s additions make space for a growing congregation.
Antioppression, Buddhism, and 'Second Life'Jane GreerQuestions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
What in the World? Summer 2006Jane Greer