The Rev. Kathleen C. Rolenz has served Unitarian Universalist congregations since 1993, including sixteen years as senior co-minister of West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, with the Rev. Wayne Arnason. She is the author, co-author, or co-editor of several books published by Skinner House, including the forthcoming Bring Forth the Spirit, with Mark Belletini and Jeff Horst.
Learn more about Kathleen Rolenz on UUA.org.
By Kathleen Rolenz
In the lineage of MontgomeryKathleen Rolenz
The Rev. Jesse Jackson preaches at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Unitarian Universalist in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Speaking with many voicesKathleen RolenzLooking for commonalities is relatively easy; true multiculturalism means being humble and brave enough to explore differences.
Praying as Unitarian UniversalistsWayne B. Arnason, Kathleen Rolenz
How can we pray with integrity, grace, power, and purpose?