Kimberly French, a former UU World contributing editor, has also written for Salon, Tikkun, Utne Reader, and other publications.
Learn more about Kimberly French on UUA.org.
By Kimberly French
Pentecostal preacher’s conversion to Universalism now a Netflix feature filmKimberly French
Ira Glass first brought the Rev. Carlton Pearson’s story to This American Life. Now, with Chiwetel Ejiofor as Pearson, Glass brings the story to your television.
A gesture of loveKimberly French
When some felt excluded by his lyrics, Jason Shelton chose to reimagine ‘Standing on the Side of Love.’
Can we be good neighbors in an election year?Kimberly French
Democracy requires disagreement and the skills to manage it. Let’s model the best of that practice.
Songs when you need themKimberly French
Ysaye Barnwell and the music of community, resistance, and power.
Empty nest, now what?Kimberly French
After more than two decades, I’ve reached a new parenting milestone.
Bug-sized solutionsKimberly French
The same gallon of water required by a single California almond—a food I love and eat every day—can grow one pound of crickets.
Apocalypse soonKimberly French
How do we live under the cloud of impending apocalypse without giving in to panic?
Michelle Huneven, back on courseKimberly French
Surviving alcoholism and seminary, a novelist finds depth and comedy in Unitarian Universalism.
Safe churches need policies and vigilanceKimberly French'We want congregations to be as proud of being free of sexual harassment, abuse, and misconduct as they are welcoming of LGBTQ people.'
Offenders among usKimberly FrenchWhether we realize it or not, we likely all know sex abuse victims and offenders. Can we be in community with both?
Reforms take aim at clergy misconductKimberly French
It is easy to think of clergy misconduct as a Catholic or evangelical problem. It's not.
A moral divideKimberly FrenchCan we reconcile moral certainties with Unitarian Universalist Principles?
Fly less, for the earth's sakeKimberly French
One mode of transportation causes particular ethical angst among folks concerned about climate change.
Our animal contradictionsKimberly French
How Unitarian Universalism can help us sort out our place in the animal world.
Resources for exploring your animal contradictionsKimberly FrenchAn annotated guide to books and other resources.
Caring for all creaturesKimberly FrenchUnitarian Universalists are providing comfort for ill or dying pets and their caregivers.
Disco ball and candlelightKimberly French
At First Parish in Bedford, worship is ‘holy theater’ and anything but stuffy.
'Justice for everyone'Kimberly FrenchUnitarian Universalists in Danbury, Connecticut, help immigrants directly every week.
Tucker rescues women’s voices from archivesKimberly French
‘I wanted to give a voice to all of this experience that has generally been disregarded.’
Congregations as alliesKimberly French
How three Unitarian Universalist congregations are pursuing immigration justice.
For love and justiceKimberly French
Unitarian Universalists mobilize in response to laws that tear families apart and abuse immigrants. In Denver, the fight is personal.
Mom, four kids, a year of serviceKimberly French
Teresa Keller and four kids are spending a year in service around the globe.
To listen without judgingKimberly French
Inspired by their minister’s story, activists at a New York church launch an abortion hotline that offers support without judgment.
Natural raptureKimberly FrenchOnly when we strip away magical thinking can we see the sacred in everything.
Unitarian values underscore Gaskell's novelsKimberly FrenchEnglish novelist Elizabeth Gaskell wrote about social issues and the role of women in society.
‘Radiant genius and fiery heart’Kimberly French
Reclaiming the legacy of Margaret Fuller, the forgotten intellectual at the heart of the Transcendentalist movement and the first American theorist of women’s equality.
Sitting, with a good Buddhist novelKimberly FrenchTelling stories could be one of the most 'present' things we could do.
Events to mark Margaret Fuller’s bicentennialKimberly FrenchDozens of events scheduled nationwide to celebrate the legacy of noted feminist, journalist, and Transcendentalist.
A poet's griefKimberly French
Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno's poetry chronicles her passage through grief after her daughter's murder.
Rev. Carlton Pearson shares Gospel of Inclusion at All Souls Unitarian Church in TulsaKimberly French
A black Pentecostal bishop embraces Universalism, befriends a Unitarian minister, and shakes up the largest congregation in the UUA.
Fifty years after the vote to form the UUAKimberly FrenchThe Unitarian and Universalist consolidation process continues to this day.
John Murray's conversion to UniversalismKimberly FrenchHow an 18th-century Calvinist embraced Universalism and became the first minister of a Universalist church in America.
Adlai Stevenson, the original eggheadKimberly FrenchThe last Unitarian nominated for president of the United States.
'The threshold of a new era'Kimberly French
Unitarian Universalist Association's General Assembly resounds with calls for liberal leadership.
Biggest coffee hour imaginableKimberly FrenchFirst impressions of a first-time General Assembly goer.
The Sources singKimberly French
The ‘Sources’ cantata by Jason Shelton and Kendyl Gibbons celebrates the Six Sources of Unitarian Universalism.
Adapting to children's needs for 200 yearsKimberly FrenchHow Unitarian and Universalist religious education evolved over two centuries.
'Twilight Zone' writer challenged prejudiceKimberly FrenchRod Serling, a Unitarian, confronted prejudice with innovative television scripts.
Quillen Shinn, Universalist circuit riderKimberly FrenchOur Universalist forebears ranged far and wide.
Carolyn McDade’s Spirit of LifeKimberly French
Unitarian Universalism’s most beloved song, the woman who wrote it, and the communities that sustain her spirit.
Thirty years of feminist transformationKimberly French
The 1977 Women and Religion resolution transformed the Unitarian Universalist Association.
America's first cemetery, Unitarian-styleKimberly French
Boston's 175-year-old Mount Auburn Cemetery reflects Unitarian views of death.
The anxiety proKimberly FrenchPsychologist John Dacey's own struggle with anxiety inspired a career helping others.
Help for anxious parentsKimberly French
The world is a dangerous place, but many parents are at risk of overprotecting their children.
Lost and foundKimberly French
I am astonished at how quickly I was jerked from my usual, grounded self into floundering and fearfulness.
UU Urban Ministry mourns six deathsKimberly FrenchMinistry tries to counter rising tide of violence in Boston.
Pilgrims’ 400-year legacy alive in PlymouthKimberly French
The congregation established by the Pilgrims in 1620 belongs to the Unitarian Universalist Association today.
Black inventor helped found Queens churchKimberly French
Son of slaves invented key elements of lightbulb.
He found a planet and founded a churchKimberly French
At 24, Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto. He later helped found a Unitarian Universalist church.
Boycotts don't always help, but you canKimberly FrenchHow to harness consumer power against modern slavery.
Meet today's UU abolitionistsKimberly FrenchFour Unitarian Universalist groups confront modern slavery.
A victory for the hereticsKimberly FrenchEllery Schempp's lawsuit ended compulsory Bible readings in public schools.
From riches to responsibilityKimberly French
Chuck Collins, who gave away his inheritance, defends the estate tax.
Taking on the systemKimberly FrenchWard Morehouse took on Union Carbide after a chemical spill killed 15,000 people in India in 1984. What he learned helped chart a new course for the movement that wants to make corporations accountable to the people.
High-profile advocate for human rightsKimberly French
The Rev. William F. Schulz looks back on twelve years at Amnesty International.
Ethical Culture's humanist legacyKimberly FrenchUnitarianism and Universalism have been liberal religious cousins to the Ethical Culture movement since its founding in 1876. Now an Ethical Society has joined the UUA.
Soul matesKimberly FrenchUUA President Dana Greeley and Rissho Kosei-kai founder Nikkyo Niwano's great friendship transcended national identity, culture, and religion.
A life committed to justiceKimberly French
For decades, Tom Andrews has been at the forefront of movements for human rights, international peace, disabled people’s rights, tax reform, and more.
After L, G, and BKimberly French
Listening to transgender and nonbinary people is about respect, relationship, and whether we can be a truly inclusive faith.