Rachel Walden is the communications specialist in the UUA Office of Information and Public Witness.
Learn more about Rachel Walden on UUA.org.
By Rachel Walden
The Radical Roots of Mother's DayRachel Walden
Long before Mother’s Day was celebrated with brunches and flower bouquets, Unitarian Julia Ward Howe wrote her Mother’s Day Proclamation.
Media roundup: Poor People’s Campaign begins actions across United StatesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU astronomer passes PlutoRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
In the media: church pressured over signRachel Walden
Highlights from other news organizations’ coverage of Unitarian Universalists and their congregations.
Media roundup: UUs reconsider relationship with Boy Scouts of AmericaRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Votes, speakers at UUA General Assembly make the newsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Faithfully resisting with rallies, welcome signs, and legislationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Iowa UUs raise thousands for National Mama’s Bail Out DayRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Providing a moral voice on health care, immigration, and racial justiceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Indiana town unites to oppose hate in response to vandalismRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Mosque welcomes UUs in need of space to worshipRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Minister visits Hiroshima on bombing anniversaryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs offer support to Muslims, refugees, victims of terrorismRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs speak out against new anti-LGBT lawRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Getting out and getting organized to end systemic racismRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs show up at town halls, their federal representatives do notRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs celebrate Pride, honor victims of Pulse nightclub massacreRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Connecticut congregation takes Indonesian man into sanctuaryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU 'valve turner' sentenced to prison for climate activismRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Wendi Winters saved lives thanks in part to congregational trainingRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: A second victory for UU sanctuaryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Marking the Sandy Hook anniversary with prayerful vigilsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs advocate, educate in opposition to N.C. House Bill 2Rachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU church sues to install solar panelsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Progressive religious activism draws bad and good attentionRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Unitarian connections on Thoreau’s 200th birthdayRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: New Zealand Unitarians continue to fight for deported studentsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Maine congregation will lead satellite March for Our Lives eventRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Inspired by traumatic experience, Knoxville UUs go on to help othersRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Minister pleads guilty to marriage equalityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Two historic UU congregations mergeRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs renew call to justice on MLK DayRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
UUs in the media, Summer 2016Rachel Walden
UUs in the media, Winter 2016Rachel Walden, Lauren Walleser
Selections from UU World's weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUA presidential resignation makes national newsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
UUs advocate mercy for New Orleans attackersRachel Walden
Media roundup: Facing trauma under Trump, people turn to churchRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Honoring the life and death of Martin Luther King Jr.Rachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Community responds to racist vandalism with love and unityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Now out of sanctuary, Sandra Lopez wants to fight to help others be freeRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU donates organ to fellow congregantRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Minister leaves parish to fight for climate justiceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs re-envision Valentine’s DayRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs arrested in pipeline protestRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Mobilizing for Inauguration Day and beyondRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU sanctuary recipients in the spotlightRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU congregations across the country experience vandalism, hate speechRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Forgiveness and compassion after vandalismRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU congregations work for racial justiceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Maryland congregation has its Black Lives Matter banner stolen againRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs celebrate SCOTUS marriage decisionRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Service Committee reports on conditions in detention centersRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Texas UUs offer sanctuary, oppose family detentionRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs across the country mourn the tragedy in OrlandoRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs mobilize for sanctuary, refugees, and women's marches across the countryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Sanctuary recipients receive stays of deportationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU minister runs for U.S. CongressRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Church connection saves woman's lifeRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Car crashes through Texas churchRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs applaud Boy Scouts of America's step toward equalityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Antiracist activism flourishes as banner vandalism continuesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Oregon UUs help organize vigil for those suffering bigotry and hateRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs show support for police, black civilian victims of gun violenceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Protecting families by providing sanctuaryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Responding to Portland attacks with love and educationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Honoring victims of Las Vegas shooting and making space for mourningRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Florida UUs help African American community organize to clean up toxic wasteRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs take to the streets to oppose family separationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU banners show white support of black livesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs across U.S. show support for Muslim communityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Saskatchewan boy urges Unitarians to support transgender childrenRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
UUs in the media, Fall 2016Rachel Walden
Selections from UU World's weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: New Orleans UUs host a town hall on transgender violenceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUA leadership changes, General Assembly make the newsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Countering racism with messages of love and supportRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Youth survivors of 2008 UU church shooting lead vigil for Parkland studentsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Members of Maine congregation wrestle with racist historyRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: ‘Law & Order: SVU’ features UU child dedicationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Ban a hymn for charityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs speak out against immigration raidsRachel Walden, Sonja L. Cohen
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Connecticut UUs prepare to welcome refugeesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUSC urges Obama to release mothers, children in detentionRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Oklahoma minister arrested for child pornographyRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Demonstrating for a moral healthcare policyRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Congregation’s sanctuary vote causes conflict with rentersRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: For sanctuary church, religious freedom means 'we decide' who comes into our spaceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Virginia minister speaks out against jailing immigrant childrenRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: White UU minister on showing up for Black Lives MatterRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Two UUs finalists in global competitionRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU scholar supports a universal minimum incomeRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs remain steadfast as vandalism escalatesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Supporting diverse communities and celebrating winter holidaysRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU seminary is home to woman-led mosqueRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Ohio ACLU leader notes religion’s role in group’s formation, ongoing workRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Candles, prayers, and gun violence prevention in honor of Sandy Hook anniversaryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Historic congregation in spotlight over issues of raceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Donor gives camp an observatorySonja L. Cohen, Rachel Walden
Plus: Flooding brings fish into meeting house basement; Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania, church celebrates building expansion; Madison, Wisconsin, society marks fiftieth anniversary.
Media roundup: Peace curriculum helps kids take control of their livesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs ready for marriage equalityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs take part in world's largest interfaith gatheringRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUSC reports on poultry plant working conditionsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU minister denounces arson at abortion clinicRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Busloads of UUs will join the March for WomenRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Fire, arrest hit community ministryRachel Walden
Selections from UU World’s weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs respond to DACA decision with increased support for immigrantsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Illinois congregation faces difficult decision about Black Lives Matter bannerRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: New Orleans youths sentenced for 2017 attack on UUA staffRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU family raises a 'truegender' daughterRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Seattle UU receives courage awardRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU clergy speak out on racial profiling, medical marijuana, immigrationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: A year after SCOTUS affirmed marriage equality, UUs reflectRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
UUs in the media, Spring 2017Rachel Walden, Lauren Walleser
Selections from UU World’s weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Oklahoma minister pleads guilty to pornography chargesRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Working in the community for racial justice, addiction recovery, sustainabilityRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Seeking supportive community in traumatic timesRachel Walden
Media roundup: Selected coverage of Unitarian Universalists in other media, September through December 2017.
Media roundup: UU town hall kicks off 'March for Our Lives: Road to Change' bus tourRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
In the media: Austin church offers sanctuaryRachel Walden, Sonja L. Cohen
Highlights from other news organizations’ coverage of Unitarian Universalists and their congregations.
Media roundup: Mourning victims, supporting Planned ParenthoodRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs help create an Easter miracle: a day without murders in ChicagoRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Atlanta congregation is home to new K-12 Pride SchoolRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: New York congregation vandalized with hate speechRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs support immigrants as ICE enforcement harshensRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Colorado UU congregation shields family from deportationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs join the call to say #NeverAgainRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Finding faith, connection at gay men’s gatheringRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Ten years after Katrina, UUs still helpingRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Sanctuary is our religious response to immigration raidsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Minnesota UUs get sex ed rightRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Denver church may become state's first gay rights historic landmarkRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs show support for Affordable Care ActRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Theological diversity, clergy experience, and reproductive justice in the spotlightRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Texas UU who left Islamic State draws media scrutinyRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs show solidarity with Parkland, call for gun controlRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Interfaith activists call attention to criminalization of humanitarian aidRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Colorado UUs provide sanctuary, demand justiceRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UUs join 100-mile walk for immigration reformRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Flint UUs won’t pay for toxic waterRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU military chaplain resigns in protest over drone warfareRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Building interfaith networks to resist hate and provide sanctuaryRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Missouri congregation joins growing sanctuary movementRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Unitarian minister, partner attacked outside their London homeRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU and other clergy arrested opposing tax planRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: As government targeting of immigrants intensifies, so too does UU supportRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU minister opens her home to a #RefugeeCaravan familyRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: UU trauma ministry helps people heal and move onRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Charleston massacre, papal encyclicalRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Creative responses to banner vandalismRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Unitarian Universalists in the media, Spring 2016Rachel Walden
Highlights from other news organizations’ coverage of Unitarian Universalists and their congregations.
Media roundup: UUs wear orange for gun violence preventionRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Rallying to oppose Jeff Sessions nominationRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Unitarian Universalists take to the streets for climate, immigrantsRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Religious leaders show solidarity with CharlottesvilleRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Media roundup: Trump’s son-in-law is not a Unitarian UniversalistRachel Walden
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.