The Rev. Stephen M. Shick is minister of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson, Massachusetts, and the author of Consider the Lilies: Meditations (Skinner House Books, 2003) and Be the Change: Poems, Prayers and Meditations for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers (Skinner House Books, 2009).
Learn more about Stephen M Shick on UUA.org.
By Stephen M Shick
Be the changeStephen M ShickThose who want to move the world in the direction of equality and lasting harmony must become, and learn to think of themselves as, forces of history.
Peace Network rallied UUs against nukesStephen M Shick
We didn't have to declare ourselves a traditional peace church to be strong advocates for peace and nuclear disarmament.
Prayer in the aftermath of hateStephen M ShickWords of grief and consolation after a deadly attack on the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville.