The Rev. Theresa I. Soto is the newly called senior minister of First Unitarian Church of Oakland, California, and the author of Spilling the Light: Meditations on Hope and Resilience (Skinner House, 2019).
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By Theresa I. Soto
Your stories belong to youTheresa I. Soto
no one can rename you
Other, it can’t stick, as you offer the gift
of being and saying who you are. -
Exemplar: Gwendolyn HowardTheresa I. Soto
Unitarian Universalism has not always made space for the work of trans ministers, but the work of trans ministers has been precious and irreplaceable just the same.
My grandmother’s grinding stone / El molcajete de mi abuelitaTheresa I. Soto
Surviving is made of the shadows of the grinding stone.