The shared ministry approach has gained traction as UUs build more inclusive communities and adapt to COVID-19 changes.
Elaine McArdle -
Unitarian Universalists at the 110-member congregation in Las Vegas say the change is working for them. Here’s how they did it.
Alexandra Varney McDonald -
First UU Church of Nashville took serious action to implement ‘Widening the Circle of Concern’ culture changes. Here are insights from that journey.
Andrea Dulanto -
In this Q&A, Woullard Lett, Leadership Ministry associate for the Unitarian Universalist Association, shares more about the nationwide effort to better serve lay leadership.
Staff Writer -
A quick guide to getting involved in the 2024 election and beyond.
Jeff Milchen -
Book banning threatens democracy because it chips away at a person’s right to choose what they want to read and believe, according to Beacon Press.
Jasmine Vaughn-Hall -
Wondering how the changes match up with core UU values? Explore Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme's theological analysis before the vote at General Assembly in June.
Staff Writer -
What does it mean to shift the focus from the needs of the dominant culture and to consider the needs of all who are in the room?
Jacqueline Brett -
As religious traditions across the country report dwindling memberships, Unitarian Universalism continues to attract new congregants.
Alexandra Varney McDonald -
Unitarian Universalists are using social media to help amplify their voices on justice issues.
Staff Writer -
The UUA's Side With Love team offers a variety of tools to help with public communication in the name of justice.
Jeff Milchen