Rashid Shaikh, Ph.D., is director of science emeritus at the Health Effects Institute in Boston and co-convenor, with Paula Cole Jones, of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus on Climate Justice, a new group focused on the intersections of racial, environmental, and climate injustices.
Staff Writer -
History can generate pride and happiness, but it also tells us about concerns we must still repair.
Shige Sakurai (they/them) -
A theology of interdependence is the true heart of our faith; our work for justice is our faithful response.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
Unitarians and Universalists have a long history of advocating for justice. Here are just a few who left their mark on the world. Who would be on your short list?
Staff Writer -
Justice Gatson founded the Reale Justice Network in Kansas City, Missouri. Among other social justice issues, it focuses on ending the cash bail system, a national issue that disparately affects people of color.
Staff Writer -
Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council Vice-Chairwoman jessie little doe baird discusses issues facing the Wampanoag and other Native Americans.
Staff Writer -
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, April through June 2020.
Staff Writer -
Highlights from the Unitarian Universalist blogosphere, April through June 2020.
Heather Christensen -
How might a Unitarian Universalist ritual of lament help when you are driven to cry out?
Myriam Renaud -
Years after the Stonewall uprising, I finally understood concepts like respectability politics and intersectionality.
Gail R. Geisenhainer -
How the Unitarian Universalist Association quickly adapted its annual convention into an all-virtual event.
Elaine McArdle