‘I learned prayer was about connection to the holy in one another and the holy that was greater than us.’
Jennifer Kelleher -
Prayer creates relationship where otherwise there might be none.
Manish Mishra-Marzetti -
‘In the midst of crisis or heartbreak, a regular spiritual practice can help us find the capacity to remain present to our emotions and experiences without cutting them off or turning away.’
Susan Frederick-Gray -
My UU faith—and my parents’ lived examples—informed my thinking about living and dying, sustaining and influencing me more than I realized.
Kathryn Hamilton Warren -
Contextual theologies seek to change society and the use of power in society.
Jonalu Johnstone -
who are we the people to keep people / from cropping the ‘amber waves of grain’
Everett Hoagland -
‘The more I worked with it, the more I liked the idea of God’s grace as three sweet teenagers following me around.’
Barbara Gadon -