
General Assembly 2017: ‘We have all been charged’
In New Orleans, Unitarian Universalists find hopeful signs in a time of suprising change with new models of leadership, a focus on racial justice, and celebration.
by Kenny Wiley and Elaine McArdle

Minns Lecture: The black hole in the white UU psyche
UUs have long embraced a false story about our own racial diversity and commitment to justice, says the leading chronicler of black UU history.
by Mark Morrison-Reed
An inviting new look
by Christopher L. Walton in From the editor
Tell me about where you come from
We bring a lot to the relationships and communities we join. So, let me tell you a little about where I come from.
by Susan Frederick-Gray in From the president

Answering the call of love (PDF)
Four-page insert adapted from Tapestry of Faith lifespan faith development programs.
by the UUA Faith Development Office in Families Weave a Tapestry of Faith

Unpacking whiteness
More than half of all Unitarian Universalist congregations took part this spring in a teach-in about white supremacy culture.
by Elaine McArdle
To those who are tired
Injustice isn’t new, and it isn’t going away soon.
by Pam Rumancik

OWL program takes flight
The sexuality education program moves beyond our congregations.
by Heather Beasley Doyle
Jazz tribute to Ruby Bridges
UU composer Darrell Grant honors 6-year-old’s bravery with new suite.
by Kenny Wiley
For appropriate seasonal seediness
by Jinny Batterson
Of course I’m racist
Unlike many UUs, I was brought up openly racist. I’ve made progress, and I still have a long way to go.
by Doug Muder
Poem: Benediction for the heavy heart
by Mason Bolton

Creation: Fibonacci chalice
Stained glass tribute to science and to science as a source of inspiration for Unitarian Universalism.
by Kat Liu
Ministry and the literacy of being human
If my role as an educator is my ministry, then every act of education is my prayer.
by Sara M. Fawcett
Poem: I mourn for Walter Scott
by Michael Bourgo
Divinity within each person
Pagan and Earth-centered traditions in Unitarian Universalism
by Jerrie Kishpaugh Hildebrand and Shirley Ann Ranck

A gesture of love
When some felt excluded by his lyrics, Jason Shelton chose to reimagine ‘Standing on the Side of Love.’
by Kimberly French
Othering and belonging
This faith is my theological home, but it doesn’t speak to my black identity.
by Darrick Jackson

A pacifist in wartime
As America joined World War I, the Rev. John Haynes Holmes addressed his congregation on how he would serve his country.
by John Haynes Holmes, introduced by Dan McKanan
Blog Roundup: Recommiting to discomfort
by Heather Christensen
Top ten online
Most frequently visited stories on, April 3, 2017–July 2, 2017.
The print edition contains abridged versions of stories that first appeared on
Susan Frederick-Gray elected UUA president
Phoenix minister wins three-way race to become UUA's ninth elected president and the first woman elected to the office.
by Christopher L. Walton
New acting chief operating officer
President Susan Frederick-Gray names outreach director Carey McDonald to one-year term as acting chief operating officer
by Christopher L. Walton
UUA Moderator Jim Key dies
Key, elected as moderator and chief governance officer in 2013, resigned May 13 when cancer returned.
by Elaine McArdle
Sinkford says some resignations received ‘shocking’ severance
Letter from interim co-presidents reveals that severance totaled more than $500,000 for employees who resigned during hiring practices controversy.
by Elaine McArdle

New hiring goals will increase racial diversity of UUA staff
New hiring procedures aim for 40 percent of managers and professional staff to be people of color or indigenous people.
by Elaine McArdle
UUA board approves BLUU funding plan
At New Orleans board meeting, trustees also discuss deficit caused by severance packages.
by Elaine McArdle
Commission on Institutional Change appointed
Will analyze structural racism and white supremacy within the Unitarian Universalist Association
by Elaine McArdle
Two UUA employees violently robbed in New Orleans
One employee, in New Orleans for UUA General Assembly, was critically injured in June 24 attack, is slowly improving; four suspects arrested.
by Christopher L. Walton
UU investigative reporter wins Pulitzer Prize
Charleston Gazette-Mail reporter Eric Eyre investigated prescription drug abuse.
by Christian Schmidt
Congregational news: Funds raised to restore Channing monument
This summer, the Friends of Mt. Auburn Cemetery achieved its goal of raising more than $7,500 to provide half of the money needed to restore and conserve a monument to William Ellery Channing.
by Kenny Wiley
Bradburds donate $1 million for BLUU
Congregations challenged to match the gift.
by Kenny Wiley
Hoertdoerfer wins MacLean Award
'My life’s work of forty years broke me open to the moral issues of our time.'
by Sonja L. Cohen
Media Roundup: UUs advocate mercy for New Orleans attackers
by Rachel Walden
Abridged for print from the full obituaries published by the UU Ministers Association.
UU World Digital
Subscribe to the digital replica edition, optimized for tablets, laptops, and desktops.
by Qmags
Audio recordings
Audio recordings of selected UU World stories.
by Don Hymel