One or more of the editorial staff of UU World indentified, researched, or wrote this content.
Learn more about Staff Writer on UUA.org.
By Staff Writer
Read the 2025 UUA Moderator and Co-Moderator Candidate StatementsStaff Writer
The election for the new moderator or co-moderators, who serve for a term of six years, concludes at General Assembly 2025.
Learn How to Protect Your Congregation from Extremist GroupsStaff Writer
The recorded webinar helps congregations anticipate and plan for how to respond to violent threats, vandalism, doxxing, and other forms of intimidation and harassment
'Love Will Not Die Here Today': UU Minister Delivers Powerful Post-Election Message of ResistanceStaff Writer
In a November 10 sermon titled "The Love of Liberty," Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter called on Unitarian Universalists to uphold freedom and progressive values.
Q&A: UU the Vote’s Nora Rasman Talks 2024 Election Strategy and BeyondStaff Writer
UU the Vote is “growing our collective understanding and practice of participatory forms of democracy,” says Rasman, UU the Vote’s first-ever democracy strategist.
UU Common Read 2024–25: ‘Authentic Selves’ Celebrates Trans and Nonbinary People and Their FamiliesStaff Writer
Learn how to join the conversation about this book, edited by Peggy Gillespie, that can be a catalyst for meaningful action and reflection.
Unitarian Universalism Influenced This Halloween Movie Starring Brian CoxStaff Writer
Skelly is about a boy’s journey through grief after the loss of his grandfather. It has nods to Unitarian Universalism.
UUA Statement Renews Call for End of Violence in Israel and Gaza, Release of HostagesStaff Writer
The UUA says its commitment “grows more urgent as the escalation of the conflict into Lebanon threatens to engulf the entire region.” Read the statement in full.
New UU Shared Values Learning Tools, including Pamphlets and Posters, are in the WorksStaff Writer
In this Q&A, Mary Benard, Publishing Director of Skinner House Books and UUA Publications, shares how staffers across the Association are collaborating to create helpful resources for UUs and congregations.
Moment of Reflection: Your PeaceStaff Writer
Lamar Bailey’s latest artistic creation challenges UUs to reflect and search for inner peace.
Get to Know UPLIFT, a UUA Welcoming Space for LGBTQIA+ People and Their AlliesStaff Writer
In this Q&A, Rev. Michael Crumpler describes UPLIFT as 'a space for LGBTQIA+ people and allies to share stories, curate resources, and receive/provide spiritual care.'
Ingathering Greeting: UUA President Asks UUs to Meet the MomentStaff Writer
UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt marks the start of a new congregational year in a recorded video. Access the full message.
New Spiritual Direction Program at UU Seminary Aims to Unlock Deeper UnderstandingStaff Writer
Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago is set to graduate its first Spiritual Direction Formation & Certification students in May.
Advocating for Change as a Tax-Exempt UU CongregationStaff Writer
Answers to some of your questions about the political engagement rules that apply to nonprofit UU congregations and groups.
Working to End Racism? Try These Free Tools from the UUA.Staff Writer
The Mosaic hub was launched by the Unitarian Universalist Association to help UUs dismantle racism and build something beautiful.
Read the New UU Shared Values Statement that Passed during GA 2024Staff Writer
Review full text of the statement, which serves as the foundation of all the work of the UUA, its member congregations, and its covenanted communities.
Use this Faith-Based Examination to Discuss Proposed Revisions to Article IIStaff Writer
Wondering how the changes match up with core UU values? Explore Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme's theological analysis before the vote at General Assembly in June.
Need Whova Help Before GA? Try Our Quick and Simple Beginner's Guide.Staff Writer
Get familiar with the UUA General Assembly’s online convention center. (And learn how to pronounce its name.)
GA Delegates to Vote on Business Resolution in Support of Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex PeopleStaff Writer
On May 20, the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Board of Trustees added the item to the General Assembly’s final agenda. Review it in full.
A Leadership Ministry Network is Being Created to Support and Engage Lay LeadersStaff Writer
In this Q&A, Woullard Lett, Leadership Ministry associate for the Unitarian Universalist Association, shares more about the nationwide effort to better serve lay leadership.
A More Accessible ‘Virtual Hymnal’ for UUs Is on the WayStaff Writer
The Unitarian Universalist Association has started developing the digital version in partnership with the Association of UU Music Ministries.
Photos: Honoring the 20th Anniversary of Same-Sex Marriage Equality in MassachusettsStaff Writer
To mark the milestone, revisit photos of some of the joyous events that followed the landmark decision.
Join the First-Ever UU Climate Justice Revival, and Let’s Reimagine TogetherStaff Writer
UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, who is trained as an environmental ethicist, invites all Unitarian Universalists to participate in the transformative conversation this September.
UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza: Read the StatementStaff Writer
A new statement from the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns the Israeli military’s ongoing violence against Gaza and the U.S. government’s complicity in the crisis in Gaza.
30 Days of Love: Empower Democracy and Promote Electoral Justice with UU the VoteStaff Writer
For the fourth and final full week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.
30 Days of Love: Inspiring UUs in the Fight for Bodily AutonomyStaff Writer
In the third week of Side With Love’s campaign, we contemplate our individual rights and our responsibilities toward others.
30 Days of Love: How Can Unitarian Universalists Champion Climate Justice?Staff Writer
The second week of Side With Love’s month of spiritual renourishment invites UUs to find their paths for social transformation.
Ignite Your Heart: A Quick Guide to Side With Love’s 30 Days of LoveStaff Writer
What to know about the annual celebration that offers spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and more.
Nancy Pierce: A Career in FocusStaff Writer
A video interview with longtime UUA General Assembly photographer Nancy Pierce
Fall/Winter 2023 Reflection QuestionsStaff Writer
Social Justice on Social MediaStaff Writer
Unitarian Universalists are using social media to help amplify their voices on justice issues.
Who Embodies Unitarian Universalism in Your Life? Nominate Them for a 2024 AwardStaff Writer
The award honors distinguished service to Unitarian Universalism. Learn how to nominate someone, and review a list of past recipients.
A Farewell Message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-GrayStaff Writer
As her time as UUA President winds down, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray shares a message of appreciation for the work we’ve done together and excitement for what’s to come.
Frederick Douglass: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?Staff Writer
In this excerpted version of his now-classic 1852 oration, Frederick Douglass casts Fourth of July celebrations as an offense to the enslaved population of the United States, and all who yearn for true freedom.
UUA Presidents, 1961–2023Staff Writer
A brief look at the people who have led the Unitarian Universalist Association since its founding.
Lena K Gardner on the BLUU Northside Housing Cooperative InitiativeStaff Writer, Elaine McArdle
In this 2023 interview, BLUU Executive Director Lena K Gardner about an exciting new project underway in Minneapolis.
Moment of Reflection – Beloved CommunityStaff Writer
"It was like we were all transported to a common place that was peaceful, happy, and alive. To me, that’s creating Beloved Community."
UUA Presidential Election 2023Staff Writer
General Assembly delegates will elect a new faith leader this June.
Unitarian Universalists Respond to Climate DisplacementStaff Writer
Six UU organizations release joint statement committing to respond to climate-forced displacement.
Susan Frederick-Gray: Selected Sermons and WritingsStaff Writer
A curated sample of pastoral and prophetic writings of a prolific president.
"the wonders I would see if only i could breathe the air"Bill Reed, Staff Writer
Unitarian Universalist’s painting is part of a series on climate change and air quality issues.
Video: UU the Vote 2022 in ReviewStaff Writer
UU the Vote was back in 2022 to help organize, educate, and empower voters across the country.
Search Committee Nominates Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt for UUA PresidentStaff Writer
New president to be elected at General Assembly 2023.
We Are Called to Help Those Affected by Hurricane IanStaff Writer
Donate to the UUA's Disaster Relief Fund today to aid affected congregations.
Atlanta Congregation Holds Grand Opening for New CampusStaff Writer
After years without a building, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta has held the grand opening of its new campus.
Anniversary of September 11thStaff Writer
Our hearts are still heavy on the anniversary of September 11, 2001.
Engaging with the UU Common ReadStaff Writer
Discussion guides and resources are available for Defund Fear.
“Democracy cannot wait.”Staff Writer
Over 120 Unitarian Universalists participate in Poor People’s Campaign Moral March
Q&A: Climate Activist Rashid ShaikhStaff Writer
Rashid Shaikh, Ph.D., is director of science emeritus at the Health Effects Institute in Boston and co-convenor, with Paula Cole Jones, of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus on Climate Justice, a new group focused on the intersections of racial, environmental, and climate injustices.
Excitement Builds for 2021 ‘Circle ’Round’ General AssemblyStaff Writer
UUA’s second all-virtual General Assembly is focused on improving user experience and providing more opportunities for interaction.
Summary of Business Delegates Will Consider at 2021 General AssemblyStaff Writer
Election features one contested Board seat; resolutions would shorten UUA presidential campaigns and allow possibility of uncontested presidential election.
‘Conversations for Liberation’ helps UUs address antiracism conflictsStaff Writer
Leaders of the UUA, affiliated professional organizations, and identity groups ask congregations to hold conversations and submit feedback by December 20.
Discussion guide helps readers explore 'The New Jim Crow'Staff Writer
How you and your congregation can start talking about mass incarceration.
Giving circles leverage gifts for charitiesStaff Writer'Shared Giving' circle created at UU Church in NC.
Large gifts will help small congregationsStaff WriterOne major gift will help small congregations in New Hampshire and Vermont; another secured the future of a Florida congregation.
Pennsylvania congregation supports girls in MozambiqueStaff WriterUU's have found a way to help educate Mozambican girls.
UUA celebrates same-sex marriage anniversary in MassachusettsStaff WriterThe party included music, a wedding cake, toasts, and thousands of paper hearts sent by UU children and adults from across the continent.
Reston banners destroyed twiceStaff WriterVandals destroyed 'Civil Marriage is a Civil Right' banners.
Sex ed comes under fire in WashingtonStaff WriterThe U.S. has one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections among teens.
Podcasting helps spread UU messageStaff Writer
Fellowship named for GoodloeStaff WriterBowie, Maryland, congregation honors African American pioneer.
Milestones, May/June 2005Staff Writer
South Carolina kids honor MLKStaff WriterGreenville, S.C., UU Fellowship cooperates with Presbyterian church.
Latin American UUs assemble to form AUULAStaff WriterUnitarian Universalism gaining popularity in Latin America.
Hope amidst disappointing election resultsStaff WriterCincinnati offers a bright spot for UU causes.
New solar panels electrify churchStaff WriterCarmel, California, church builds in sustainable manner.
UUA president arrested in protest at Sudanese EmbassyStaff WriterPresident Sinkford among initial signers of Save Darfur Coalition unity statement.
Make your religious education program boy-friendlyStaff Writer
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Traffic report: Most popular stories on our website, January 5–April 5, 2015.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, July 2, 2018–September 23, 2018.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories onuuworld.org, October through December 2019.
Q&A: Justice GatsonStaff Writer
Justice Gatson founded the Reale Justice Network in Kansas City, Missouri. Among other social justice issues, it focuses on ending the cash bail system, a national issue that disparately affects people of color.
Books by UU authors, Summer 2006Staff Writer
Resources for older adultsStaff Writer
Read this: UUA president condemns Trump’s plan to ban transgender people from militaryStaff Writer
‘We believe that transgender people should be accorded all the rights and responsibilities due every citizen, including the right to serve our country in the military.’
Media roundup: Woman takes asylum at Maryland congregationStaff Writer
More UUs in the news: Leslie Mac in Essence, James Reeb on NPR, Tim Berners-Lee on the thirtieth anniversary of the Internet.
The saving power of songStaff Writer
Book to note: Redemption Songs: A Year in the Life of a Community Prison Choir.
Commission Prepares to Revise UUA’s Principles and SourcesStaff Writer
Article II Study Commission is in conversation about our values and purposes as an organization and as a faith community and will present a draft of a new statement for the 2022 General Assembly.
Tom Andrews named UUSC president, CEOStaff Writer
Former head of Win Without War and United to End Genocide will lead UU human rights organization.
Meditations on justice and resilienceStaff Writer
Selections from ‘To Wake, To Rise: Meditations on Justice and Resilience.’
Virginia congregation celebrates new name, homeStaff Writer
News briefs: Congregation moves from Norfolk to Virginia Beach; fellowship in Port Townsend, Washington, partners with S’Klallam Tribe to create Chief Chetzemoka Interpretive Trail.
UUs reached out, connected online during pandemicStaff Writer
Media roundup: A sampling of stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media, March–April 2020.
Moment of Reflection: Witness and ProtestStaff Writer
Showing up for justice outside a notorious jail.
Dancing JoyPatricia C. Coleman, Staff WriterThe artist seeks to "breathe out peaceful uplifting imagery."
Letter: Don’t forget history of UU women’s interfaith workStaff Writer
Letter to the editor: History of Unitarian interest in world religions is much older, if you remember women.
Together we growStaff Writer
Quilt made by members of Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church, Louisville, Kentucky.
Christina Rivera receives MacLean AwardStaff Writer
Award honors excellence in religious education.
UU World Editor Chris Walton Steps DownStaff Writer
Two decades of editorial work for UUA were a public ministry.
How BLUU’s Innovative Housing Initiative Could Increase Black and Indigenous Homeownership in North MinneapolisStaff Writer
BLUU Executive Director Lena K Gardner shares insight on the effort, which broke ground in May, and explains why this affordable housing approach reflects UU values.
Ganges dawnStaff Writer
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, September 19, 2016–January 1, 2017.
Watch Brittany Packnett’s Ware Lecture to the UUA General AssemblyStaff Writer
‘The more you benefit from supremacy the more responsible you have to be to dismantle it,’ Brittany Packnett tells Unitarian Universalists gathered in Kansas City.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories onuuworld.org, July through September 2019.
Media Roundup: Faithful Responses to Election DayStaff Writer
Unitarian Universalist congregations in the news.
Q&A: Lay Community Minister Ben GabelStaff Writer
UU Society for Community Ministries Co-President Ben Gabel explains how the new Chaplain Endorsement Program will help religious professionals working outside UU congregations.
Books by UU authors, Winter 2005Staff Writer
Watch this: April 1 UUA presidential candidates forumStaff Writer
The three candidates running for UUA president met in the first of five regional candidate forums on April 1 in Bethesda, Maryland.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, April 2, 2018–July 1, 2018.
Media roundup: UU minister hired by campaign as faith outreach directorStaff Writer
Pete Buttigieg campaign hires the Rev. Shawna Foster for faith outreach; hosting immigrant in sanctuary takes massive volunteer commitment; Unity Temple designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Roots of the Policing CrisisStaff Writer
Notable guides to the roots of white supremacy in American policing.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, July 6–September 20, 2015.
Guide to General Assembly coverageStaff Writer
Guide to UU World’s coverage of the 2017 UUA General Assembly in New Orleans.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, January through March 2019.
Film to note: documenting Indigenous leaders’ environmental journeyStaff Writer
The Condor & the Eagle dir. by Clement Guerra and Sophie Guerra (2019)
UUA Seeks to Build on 2020’s Success with Second All-Virtual General AssemblyStaff Writer
GA 2021 will focus on deepening connections, resilience.
In Our Own Words: UUs Have Spoken Out in Multiple Ways on the Israel-Hammas WarStaff Writer
A timeline of statements and other public declarations made by Unitarian Universalists from October 2023 to September 2024.
Increased accessibilityStaff Writer31-member congregation raised $60,000 to make building handicap accessible.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, January 4–April 10, 2016.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, July 3, 2017–September 17, 2017.
Media roundup: General Assembly attendees support activists in SpokaneStaff Writer
General Assembly public witness event draws local media; book by Spokane minister provokes denunciations; Goodridges speak about the personal costs of making history.
Congregations mark big anniversariesStaff Writer
Major anniversaries for UU Church of the Restoration and UU Congregation at Rock Tavern; congregational projects in Illinois, Indiana, and Maine.
UUs Who Made a DifferenceStaff Writer
Unitarians and Universalists have a long history of advocating for justice. Here are just a few who left their mark on the world. Who would be on your short list?
New UU Common Read: Mistakes and MiraclesStaff Writer
Additional materials to support group discussion coming this fall.
Read this: Taking a knee for racial justiceStaff Writer
It’s “about time we took a knee as a sign of national grief.”
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, September 18, 2017–December 31, 2017.
The Commission on Institutional Change at General AssemblyStaff Writer
The Commission invited UUs into conversation and discernment as they shared perspectives on institutional and cultural barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
NASA names telescope for UU ‘Mother of Hubble’Staff Writer
Nancy Grace Roman, NASA’s first chief astronomer, was a member of River Road UU Congregation in Bethesda, Maryland.
House-building trip to 'other side'Staff Writer
A Brief Introduction to India's Caste SystemStaff Writer
India's constitution outlawed castes in 1950, but millions are still treated as outcastes.
Watch the 2018 Service of the Living TraditionStaff Writer
The Rev. Sofía Betancourt preaches at the worship service honoring religious professionals, ‘I want to honor the weary, ragged miracle that is our living tradition.’
Letters to the editorStaff Writer
Readers respond to an erroneous photo caption, the legacy of the Transcendentalists, and the often forgotten Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Q&A: LGBTQ Advocate Sam AmesStaff Writer
Civil rights attorney Sam Ames says the 2020 election marks the beginning, not the end, of work to strengthen trans rights.
Five Congregations That Voted to Embrace Culture ChangeStaff Writer
UU congregations across the country are grappling with change. Here are five that chose equity and inclusion over “the way we’ve always done it.” How might your congregation engage with change?
Letters, Winter 2005Staff Writer
‘Corruption of Our Democracy’ Study/Action Guide availableStaff Writer
Resource helps congregations engage the 2016–2020 Study/Action Issue.
New UUA Common Read focuses on environmental justiceStaff Writer
‘Justice on Earth’ chosen for congregational discussion groups.
Historic Ohio church gets new cupolaStaff Writer
News briefs: Youngstown, Ohio, church puts cupola where steeple had been; All Souls in Manhattan marks bicentennial; Casper, Wyoming, UUs help install mural honoring local civil rights martyr James Reeb.
Q&A: jessie little doe bairdStaff Writer
Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council Vice-Chairwoman jessie little doe baird discusses issues facing the Wampanoag and other Native Americans.
New UU Common ReadStaff Writer
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Traffic report: Most popular stories on our website, April 6–July 5, 2015.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, January 2, 2017–April 2, 2017.
Top ten online, October through December 2018Staff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, October through December 2018.
UUA, UU groups condemn U.S. escalation with IranStaff Writer
UUA signs January interfaith statement condemning U.S. assassination of Iranian military leader.
Media Roundup: Congregations Engage with Their CommunitiesStaff Writer
Unitarian Universalist congregations in the news.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, April 3, 2017–July 2, 2017.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, April through June 2019.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, January through March 2020.
UUA Will Present Five-Year Institutional Change PlanStaff Writer
“This is not just another initiative,” said UUA Executive Vice President Carey McDonald. “It’s at the center of all our initiatives for the coming years. It’s the foundation.”
UUA honors Bradburds with new paintingStaff Writer
Daniel Nevins’s painting ‘Love Is a Fearsome Thing’ honors longtime UUA supporters.
UUA, DRUUMM sign memorandum of understanding at GAStaff Writer
Five-year agreement signed at 2019 General Assembly in Spokane.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, April through June 2020.
On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Revisit His Calls to Action for Economic JusticeStaff Writer
King pushed for a multiracial movement to end poverty and challenged the country's capitalist framework for prosperity and opportunity.
Books by UU authors, Winter 2006Staff WriterA selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, July 4–September 18, 2016.
Top ten onlineStaff Writer
Most frequently visited stories on uuworld.org, January 1, 2018–March 31, 2018.
Spirituality on the goStaff Writer
New mobile app from the UUA offers worship resources for groups and individuals.
UUs offer help during pandemic; CLF gets new co-leadersStaff Writer
News briefs: UU Congregation of Princeton; Pacific Northwest UU Growth Foundation; UU Massachusetts Action Network; Church of the Larger Fellowship.
DRUUMM Launches Elder Spiritual Odysseys SeriesStaff Writer
Join the Outreach RevolutionStaff Writer
Receive a virtual outreach care package for your congregation each month.
‘No time for a casual faith’: Watch the 2018 General Assembly’s Sunday worship serviceStaff Writer
‘As Unitarian Universalists, we are first and foremost religious communities that practice love as our foundation—and we are living in times of heartbreak, violence, and pain.’
New UUA Common Read choices focus on indigenous peoples’ experienceStaff Writer
Discussion guide available for ‘An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States.’
Media Roundup: Pandemic Memorials, Promoting Diversity, Grants for Community ServiceStaff Writer
Unitarian Universalist congregations in the news.
About Staff Writer
Meet the Artist Behind ‘An Indigenous People’s History of the United States’ Graphic Novel
The Beacon Press project is an illustrated retelling of the award-winning book by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz.