The Rev. Peter Morales was the eighth president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).
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By Peter Morales
Sanctuary and gospelPeter Morales
As religious people we have two essential tasks: we must offer sanctuary and preach our gospel.
Declaration of consciencePeter Morales, Tom Andrews
We will oppose any and all unjust government actions to deport, register, discriminate, or despoil.
The fear that surrounds usPeter Morales
Have you ever tried to argue someone out of their racism, their climate change denial, their homophobia? It never works.
Catharsis ≠ progressPeter Morales
I worry that we will fall victim to the progressive habit of declaring victory too early.
The future of liberal religion is multifaithPeter Morales
Religious liberals from all traditions share not only common values, but also a common cosmology.
Way is openingPeter Morales
More than once, my attempts to stick to my dream prevented me from seeing other doors that were open all around me.
Renew your spiritPeter Morales
I urge you to make some space to reflect on what your spirit needs right now.
A mixture of triumph and painPeter Morales
The UUA General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, contained a mixture of triumph and pain that reflects the state of our movement and the state of America.
Embracing failurePeter Morales
The future health of Unitarian Universalism depends on all of us learning to embrace failure.
Tough timesPeter MoralesWe progressives are prone to believing progress is a lot easier than it is.
Opportunities are always therePeter MoralesThriving congregations have leaders who seize the opportunities before them rather than cling to plans that are no longer viable.
Our house, unequally dividedPeter MoralesInequality has reached such toxic levels that it corrupts our relationships and threatens our democracy.
One simple, transformative practicePeter MoralesA search for connection is at the heart of all spiritual traditions and practices.
Belief is the enemy of faithPeter Morales
A new interfaith, multifaith spirituality is struggling to be born.
What Unitarian Universalists wantPeter MoralesUnitarian Universalists share a profound sense of what we cherish and what we want to become.
Learning to trustPeter MoralesTo create deep and enduring relationships, our love must develop into mutual trust.
Bring General Assembly home with youPeter MoralesThe true test of this year's GA is what our congregations in every state do five years from now.
Religious hospitalityPeter MoralesIt's not rocket science: Simply smiling and saying hello to visitors would transform our congregations.
Crossing bordersPeter Morales
Our challenge is to learn to reach beyond the confines of our personal social and cultural experience.
Everything changesPeter Morales
Central to our faith tradition is our willingness to leave behind what no longer serves us.
Service is our prayerPeter MoralesWhen we serve we become more compassionate, more sensitive, more understanding, and more aware.
The 'it' churchPeter MoralesFrom the President: If we 'get religion' we will thrive. If we don't, we will decline.
What moves you?Peter MoralesWe only find ourselves when we lose ourselves in service to something that transcends us.
We want our movement to changePeter MoralesA letter from the newly elected president of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Changing hearts, not just opinionsPeter MoralesWe must speak truth to power. But more importantly, we must persuade the frightened and uninformed.
Our connections are sacredPeter Morales
We are intimately connected to Mayans in Guatemala, day laborers in Arizona, Buddhists in Japan, farmers in the Philippines, and religious progressives all over the world.
Engaging the 'nones'Peter MoralesThe rapid growth in the number of people who identify with no religion has profound implications for Unitarian Universalism.
You can’t pretend to show upPeter MoralesWhere would Dr. King ask us to show up if he were alive today?
Trust the dawning futurePeter MoralesLeaving Beacon Hill for a modern headquarters is a huge move for the UUA.
The new AmericaPeter MoralesAmerica is in the midst of a historic demographic shift that represents an enormous opportunity, and challenge, for Unitarian Universalists.
We must get better at communicatingPeter MoralesOur relationships are created and sustained by our communication.