Jeanne Pupke

Jeanne Pupke

The Rev. Jeanne Pupke, a candidate for UUA president in 2017, has served as senior minister of First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, Virginia, since 2006, and was consulting minister of the UU Fellowship of Central Oregon in Bend (2004-2006). She was a UUA trustee (2009-2013) and chaired the board’s Finance Committee. Once a Catholic nun, she was an executive for Diemakers, Inc., and Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters before entering the UU ministry. A director of UU Legislative Ministry of Virginia, Pupke frequently testifies for women’s, LGBTQI, and youth rights. Pupke has completed a two-year course in spiritual direction. She and wife Regina Largent, a retired Army officer, university administrator, and UU Buddhist, have been together twenty-three years.

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By Jeanne Pupke

  • Candidate statement: Jeanne Pupke
    Jeanne Pupke

    It is the job of the UUA to assure that every congregation and covenanted community has the opportunity and resources to thrive.
