

Carolyn McDade's spirit of life
Unitarian Universalism's most beloved song, the woman who wrote it, and the communities that sustain her spirit.
By Kimberly French in Life

Not my father's religion
If my working-class father started attending a UU church, I'm not sure who he'd talk to.
By Doug Muder in Ideas

Environment and diversity themes of General Assembly
Report on the Unitarian Universalist Association's 2007 annual meeting.
By Christopher L. Walton and Tom Stites in News

Voices from GA
Selected quotations from the 2007 UUA General Assembly.
By Kenneth Sutton in News

Open Space process informs UUA goals
General Assembly experiments with new meeting process.
By Sonja L. Cohen in News


Independent magazines take a hit
New postal rules treat small periodicals unfairly.
By Christopher L. Walton in From the editor

We are better together
The UUA's comprehensive fundraising campaign will support the growth of Unitarian Universalism in many dimensions.
By William G. Sinkford in Our calling

Letters, Fall 2007
Readers respond to the Summer 2007 issue.
By Jane Greer in Letters

Mailbox, Fall 2007
Thoughts on Buddhism, feminist history, and Margaret Fuller.
By Jane Greer in Letters

Blog roundup
Online responses to 'UU World.'
By Jane Greer and Christopher L. Walton in Letters

Even secular parents are religious educators
If you don't answer your children's religious questions, someone else will—and you may not like the answers they provide.
By Roberta M. Nelson in Forum

Starting a new congregation from scratch
'There are more people here interested in what we have to offer than you might think.'
By Donald E. Skinner in Congregational life

Spiritual landmark in Second Life
Building a Unitarian Universalist church in a virtual reality world.
By Jane Greer in Spiritual landmarks

Once and for all
Watching a loved one fade into dementia and yearning for grace.
By Kathleen McTigue in Reflections

The collector
Personal iconography.
By Beth Sobel in Reflections

The death of li'l Anthrax
A more vicious little creature you could hardly imagine.
By Barbara Merritt in Reflections

Sacred words imperfect #4
Distorted, hidden, but sacred.
By Tupper Malone in Reflections

Sitting between the extremes
Why a journalist writes haiku.
By Tom Stites in Reflections

Four haiku
Natural moments in seventeen syllables.
By Tom Stites in Reflections

Confessions of a prodigal volunteer
Finding new life after burning out at church.
By Elizabeth Weber in Reflections

UUA honors antiracism advocate
Featured online in another form:
Leon Spencer honored with UUA's highest award
Pioneer in UUA's antiracism and antioppression efforts recognized.
By Michelle Bates Deakin in UU news

UUA signs on to New Sanctuary Movement
Featured online in another form:
New immigrant sanctuary movement calls for 'prophetic hospitality'
Unitarian Universalist Association joins movement supporting undocumented immigrants facing deportation.
By Donald E. Skinner in UU news

Florida UUs turn out in force for pride
Featured online in another form:
UUs 'most visible' at Florida's largest pride festival
Annual gay pride event draws more than 150 UUs from 7 congregations.
By Donald E. Skinner in UU news

Youth group practices philanthropy
Pay It Forward project gives Boise youth opportunity to invest in others.
By Michelle Bates Deakin in UU news

Playground uses Seven Principles
Featured online in another form:
New playground illustrates UU Seven Principles
Fort Worth Unitarian Universalists design and build Principles-themed playground.
By Michelle Bates Deakin in UU news

Blacksburg shootings remembered
Featured online in another form:
Shocked congregation grateful for help
UUs reach out to Blacksburg church reeling from Virginia Tech massacre; campus also site of UU summer conference.
By Donald E. Skinner in UU news

Unitarian Universalist spiritual directors form network
Network can help religious liberals find a spiritual director.
By Michelle Bates Deakin in UU news

UUs reduce carbon emissions
Featured online in another form:
UUs get serious about carbon offsets
Congregations and individuals explore ways to reduce carbon emissions.
By Michelle Bates Deakin in UU news

Fidelity 'Out of Sudan'
Featured online in another form:
UUA pressures Fidelity over Sudanese investments
President Sinkford calls for change of policy at UUA’s fund manager; retirement plan holders urged to change funds.
By Jane Greer in UU news

UU seminaries to see cuts in UUA funding
Featured online in another form:
UUA board cuts funds to seminaries
Board approves plan to develop new approach to supporting theological education.
By Tom Stites in UU news

UU affiliates undergo new scrutiny
Featured online in another form:
UUA board approves two affiliates
At post-GA meeting, board discusses controversial new criteria for independent affiliate organizations.
By Tom Stites in UU news

Liberal theology, vibrant but hidden
Unitarian Universalism was liberal theology's first home, but we have neglected it lately.
By Christopher L. Walton in Bookshelf

Documenting the gay marriage revolution
A photographic history of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
By Christopher L. Walton in Bookshelf

Passionate, unfiltered voices about ministry
New book about congregations and ministers working together.
By Kenneth Sutton in Bookshelf

Jesus for UU children
New book offers a Unitarian Universalist view.
By Christopher L. Walton in Bookshelf

Books by UU authors, Fall 2007
A selection of books written by Unitarian Universalists.
By Jane Greer in Books by UU authors

Singing, 'Open Space,' and reconciliation
Questions for spiritual reflection and adult group discussions.
By Jane Greer in What in the World?

Quillen Shinn, Universalist circuit rider
Our Universalist forebears ranged far and wide.
By Kimberly French in Looking back

Online Extras

Fireworks at the wedding
Fireworks and church may not seem to go together, but in my family they do.
By Meg Barnhouse

Drops of water turn a mill
Does the Internet Age augur a revival of liberal religion?
By Doug Muder

Excess baggage
I decided that this was an auspicious moment to have a discussion with my older child about 'nonmaterialism.'
By Barbara Merritt

General Assembly Blog
