
Nature demands respect
We need Henry David Thoreau’s ‘tonic of wildness’ to confront climate change. ‘We need to witness our own limits transgressed.’ Hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires are helping us do just that.
by Anthony Makar

Do you need to be an activist to be a Unitarian Universalist?
Six Unitarian Universalist leaders reflect on activism and religious identity in a racially and politically charged era. How do our values call us to act?
with Takiyah Amin, Robin Bartlett, Ranwa Hammamy, Paul Rasor, Marilyn Sewell, and Pamela Wat
On community
Community is not just a cure for what ails us; it is also what ails us.
by Christopher L. Walton in From the editor
The practice of our faith
This is no time for a casual faith. And we must remember that we are not in this alone.
by Susan Frederick-Gray in From the president
A sanctuary is more than a building
Four-page insert adapted from Tapestry of Faith lifespan faith development programs.
by the UUA Faith Development Office in Families Weave a Tapestry of Faith
Seeking asylum from credible fear
UUs are helping women and children in a family detention center for immigrants in Texas.
by Elaine McArdle
Keeping an open heart
As a Jewish UU, I delve into the layers of white supremacy culture without and within.
by Dara Olandt

A young adult group grows in Brooklyn
Our young adult community retains its own identity, even as we weave ever closer with the larger congregation.
by Julie Bero and Catherine Trossello
Rutland’s cozy coffeehouse
Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland, Vermont.
by Sonja L. Cohen in Spiritual landmarks
Looking for the Christmas spirit
Santa isn’t doing it for me this year, but the shepherds give me hope.
by Lynn Ungar

Deeper attention
Photography as a meditation.
by Anitra Lavanhar
Faith for the unbeliever
Faith can be more than the proclamations of a long-ago prophet or words found in ancient scriptures.
by Daniel Chesney Kanter
Meditations on justice and resilience
Selections from the new Skinner House collection To Wake, To Rise.
by Martha Kirby Capo, Gretchen Haley, Jodi Cohen Hayashida, Xolani Kacela, Jonipher Kwong, and Nancy McDonald Ladd
Emptying my shoe
I can’t imagine where I’d be had I not found my UU congregation.
by Suzi Chase
Painting: ‘Signage’
Figure and landscape.
by Jane Cornish Smith in Creations
We need an intersectional approach to justice making
I thought I was traveling to Detroit to participate in a think tank, but it was so much deeper and more profound than that.
by Manish Mishra-Marzetti
Grateful for the dark
A faith that embraces the mysterious, the unknown, the small hours of the night.
by Laura Randall

The Edict of Torda, a landmark in religious freedom
The 450th anniversary of the Edict of Torda in 2018 marks a foundational moment for liberal religion.
by Eric Cherry in Looking back
Blog roundup
Facing the ‘rabid grizzly’ of white supremacy together.
by Heather Christensen
Mailbox: Responding to ‘the call of love’
Selections from letters to the editor and online comments.
by Kenny Wiley
Traffic report: Top ten
Most frequently visited stories on our website, July 3–September 17.
The print edition contains abridged versions of stories that first appeared on

Confronting racist rally in Charlottesville
Interfaith clergy coalition resisted white supremacist gathering in Virginia.
by Elaine McArdle, 8/17/17
Jesse Jackson preaches at Charlottesville church
by Kathleen Rolenz, 8/30/17
Hurricane coverage
Unitarian Universalists donate, sign up for Houston recovery work
UUA/UUSC relief fund will also aid marginalized people and immigrants.
by Elaine McArdle, 9/1/17
Houston congregations rally around members, neighbors displaced by Harvey
by Elaine McArdle, 9/14/17

Florida congregations largely spared by Irma
by Michael Hart, 9/15/1
Harvey fund reaches its goal; donors urged to give to disaster relief fund
More than $350,000 given to UUA-UUSC Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund.
by Christopher L. Walton, 9/21/17
Three congregations sheltering immigrants
At least twelve other congregations are preparing to offer sanctuary.
by Elaine McArdle, 10/10/17
Faithify raises $1 million in just three years
Crowdfunding site has raised $1 million for 259 projects since it was launched in 2014.
by Michael Hart, 10/10/17
UUs fight ACA repeal with civil disobedience
Unitarian Universalists joined interfaith coalition partners fighting repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
by Elaine McArdle, 8/11/17

UUA board appoints two moderators
Elandria Williams and Mr. Barb Greve to share leadership of General Assembly, Board of Trustees.
by Elaine McArdle, 8/9/17
Congregational news
Poughkeepsie fellowship helps ex-prisoners; Carbondale, Colorado, votes to offer sanctuary; Pittsfield, Maine, marks church’s 150th anniversary.
by Kenny Wiley
Clergy obituaries
Abridged for print from the full obituaries published by the UU Ministers Association. In this issue: Alfred J.N. Henriksen, Daniel G. Higgins Jr., Joan Kahn-Schneider, Sandra G. Lee, Martha L. Munson, William R. Murry.
UU World Digital
Subscribe to the digital replica edition, optimized for tablets, laptops, and desktops.
by Qmags
Audio recordings
Audio recordings of selected UU World stories.
by Don Hymel