Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Joanna Fontaine Crawford

The Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford is minister of Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Austin, Texas.

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By Joanna Fontaine Crawford

  • Reclaiming my space in the sisterhood
    Joanna Fontaine Crawford
    The International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women revived me.
  • We are living in the ‘Except’
    Joanna Fontaine Crawford

    There  are  long timelines of history, punctuated by significant interruptions. The ‘Except.’ We are living in the Except.

  • A gym for the soul
    Joanna Fontaine Crawford

    A covenant group is like a gym for the soul, an oasis in the desert.

  • Let mission drive us
    Joanna Fontaine Crawford

    Welcoming change requires a strong sense of a congregation's mission.
