
A misty forest.

Mother Earth quakes / and so do we

2018 Eberhard Grossgasteiger / Pexel


Mother Earth quakes
and so do we
When a pipeline is built
the Earth screams
And with agony so do we
The trauma is within our bodies
within the wind
But I’ve found my hope, you see,
in community

Sometimes I have no words to describe
when hope still lingers in the air,
on a bright morning when we gather
our bodies tired from the trauma that clings to our skin
We are resilient but wish we didn’t have to be
and yet the joy of being together is still there
No matter what—we are building community
As the wind moves through branches of
trees wiser than us
water passes by without a hesitation
a bird sings and you can feel its joy
No matter what—justice will be achieved
the pipelines will be stopped
the Earth will heal
And harmony will weave into everything
Because no matter what we will still try

Mother Earth shifts
and so do we
When a movement is created
the Earth breathes
