UPDATE 8.15.17 from UUA Information Technology staff: “Emma’s pricing has changed considerably and they are no longer offering UU groups the affordable plans that were available in the past. UU groups who signed up won’t notice a price change until they renew their subscription. We encourage those who are using Emma to check your renewal date and make plans for switching to a new service or increasing your budget. The UUA is evaluating popular email marketing products and will list recommended products on, as well as announcing any updates through the Outreach Revolution monthly emails (sign up here).”
The UUA has partnered with Emma Email Marketing to offer UU congregations and affiliated/related organizations a simple, affordable option for email communications. Emma is a web service that helps users easily create, send, and track email communications, such as church newsletters and announcements.
Pre-paid annual plans with Emma for UU groups start at $192 for up to 500 email contacts and $288 for up to 2,500 contacts. Both plans include unlimited monthly sending. When signing up, congregations can also pay a one-time fee to get access to a UU-branded template or have their own built from scratch.
The UUA will not benefit financially from sign-ups, nor will it have access to email lists. Its primary role was to negotiate a fair price that both small and large congregations could afford, according to the UUA's Information Technology staff.

An example of the UU-branded email newsletter template. (© UUA)