In this excerpted version of his now-classic 1852 oration, Frederick Douglass casts Fourth of July celebrations as an offense to the enslaved population of the United States, and all who yearn for true freedom.
Staff Writer -
With the Community Church of New York's All-8 Workshop, young people are exploring the Principles in ways that touch both their creativity and their identities.
Elaine McArdle -
All of our voices are needed to stop a wave of hateful bills.
Jeff Milchen -
A Montclair coalition rallied the community to save the town’s first Black-owned home.
Jeff Milchen -
UU News
First Parish in Portland, Maine, wins Bennett Award for work to support Wabanaki sovereignty.
Jeff Milchen -
UU News
Response to Widening the Circle of Concern includes new study/action guide for congregations.
Carey McDonald -
Unitarian Universalists of Asian descent have found community and support online.
Joshua Eaton -
There are moments when, because of the coalescing of circumstances or people, a long, slow, steady current opens into a powerful movement that creates more dramatic change quickly.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
As we imagine and lean into action for a better world, UU World's Fall 2021 issue explores where we can find fellowship, belonging, and community in spiritual and public life.
Lisa Gregory -
Five central Illinois congregations collaborate, aided by a new UUA study/action guide.
Heather Beasley Doyle