As the climate crisis grows more serious, the moral and even spiritual value of a green burial appeals to many people.
Elaine McArdle -
We do not aim for erasing people’s pain—only for making it so that they do not face it by themselves.
Liz James -
My UU faith—and my parents’ lived examples—informed my thinking about living and dying, sustaining and influencing me more than I realized.
Kathryn Hamilton Warren -
Talking about how we hope to die can help avoid needless suffering for our loved ones as well as for ourselves.
Kris Willcox -
Megan has a terminal illness. Ralph has to make a huge decision. I plunge into their spiritual and religious landscapes. I do not see spirituality as disappearing, but as being present everywhere.
Ali Jablonsky -
The impending death of a loved one often leaves us sitting in a between-state.
Kenneth Sutton -
UU News
The UUA has resources to help organize a planned giving program in your congregation.
Michael Hart -
‘Old life recomposes into new life, and we are not separate from this grand, inclusive, regenerative scheme.’
Jaco ten Hove -
Visit famous UUs at America’s first garden cemetery.
Stephen Anable -