Under the weight of destruction, / we will need the strong shelter / of forgiveness and the deeper wells / that give the sweet water of welcome
Sean Parker Dennison -
As Unitarian Universalists, our journey is to transform the big and the small, to transform ourselves, and to transform the world.
Elizabeth Nguyen -
Mission and covenant are an antidote to individualism. They remind us of the responsibilities that come with an affirmation of interdependence.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
Putting holes in things that used to be solid is hard. Some days, there is broken glass everywhere. And not all of us are skilled with the metaphorical power tools.
Liz James -
It’s gotten so that if I call a loved one during that period of ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, they’ll just ask, ‘Is this the phone call?’
Elizabeth Lerner Maclay -
Despite our best intentions, all parents make mistakes, act inconsistently, and generally fall short of our goals. But we can also model asking for forgiveness.
Michelle Richards