Grief work helps us find “devotion, courage, and resistance” going forward, writes Ladd.
Nancy McDonald Ladd -
“Now and here, in this unlikely, perhaps un-replicated, gorgeous world, this shimmering, sorrowing world, we exist, together . . . We are here now, and we all belong. Beloved.”
Victoria Safford -
As we make sense of the presidential election results, breathe. “Do not let go of faith and hope and love.”
JJ Flag, Victoria Safford -
Unitarian Universalist congregations in the news.
Staff Writer -
How might a Unitarian Universalist ritual of lament help when you are driven to cry out?
Myriam Renaud -
We do not aim for erasing people’s pain—only for making it so that they do not face it by themselves.
Liz James -
How is it with your spirit today? Today, my spirit is struck by grief.
Lauren Smith -
In the midst of this global pandemic, as we hold the grief and weight of what is happening to the human community, it is clear that the pastoral is prophetic and the prophetic is pastoral.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
During the AIDS era, the saving presence of art in my life enabled me both to grieve full time and to serve as a minister full time.
Mark L. Belletini -
Yes, even now, / when so much is struggle: / Praise bodies that sweat and tremble
Sean Parker Dennison -
My UU faith—and my parents’ lived examples—informed my thinking about living and dying, sustaining and influencing me more than I realized.
Kathryn Hamilton Warren -
Origami boxes memorialize people killed by guns.
Elaine McArdle