Community Unitarian Universalist Church in Plano, Texas, created banners from the messages of love and support sent from other UUs.
Aija Duelm -
'You are a light, a lamp in the night to help people find their way, but you cannot be their way.'
Joseph M. Cherry -
Let's forgo the pressure of resolutions and spend time in healing community instead.
Beth Monhollen -
Chaplaincy is a deep expression of Unitarian Universalist theology.
Elaine McArdle -
I was so very, very tired. I only had room for Now.
Jennifer Joy Pawlitschek -
no one can rename you
Other, it can’t stick, as you offer the gift
of being and saying who you are.Theresa I. Soto -
A decade after a fatal shooting, photo book reveals a journey of healing at Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville.
Michelle Bates Deakin -
Admitting I would benefit from using a scooter gave me the gift of freedom.
Meg Barnhouse -
‘Touch binds us together in a way that is warm and builds community.’
Alison Oatman -
UU News
Two UUA employees who were violently robbed during the 2017 General Assembly urged leniency in case against four attackers, who were sentenced to prison terms.
Elaine McArdle -
Megan has a terminal illness. Ralph has to make a huge decision. I plunge into their spiritual and religious landscapes. I do not see spirituality as disappearing, but as being present everywhere.
Ali Jablonsky