The idiot’s guide to critical race theory.
Crystal M. Fleming -
A New Hampshire congregation attempts to repair past wrongs by the church against a devoted biracial Universalist minister, his sister, and their family.
Heather Beasley Doyle -
UU News
Anniversaries and renovation news from congregations in Racine, Wisconsin; Sacramento, California; Lyons, Ohio; and Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Sonja L. Cohen -
Unitarians and Universalists haven’t always challenged white supremacy. Sometimes they’ve championed it.
Colin Bossen -
It is important to be honest about our complicated history, not to bring shame or guilt, but to bring understanding that can inform our faith today.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
There are Unitarian Universalist angles to four prominent movies this season.
Christopher L. Walton -
The 450th anniversary of the Edict of Torda in 2018 marks a foundational moment for liberal religion.
Eric Cherry -
What is the consequence of not knowing Unitarian Universalism’s black history? We have embraced a false narrative about who we are.
Mark Morrison-Reed -
UU composer Darrell Grant honors 6-year-old’s bravery with new suite.
Kenny Wiley -
UU News
The Rev. Jesse Jackson preaches at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church Unitarian Universalist in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Kathleen Rolenz -
Unitarian co-founder of the ACLU helped to define and defend civil liberties.
Kris Willcox -
Racial justice activists, many of them Unitarian Universalists, work in Tulsa to overcome the painful legacy of a 1921 riot that killed up to 300 Black people.
Elaine McArdle, Kenny Wiley