A documentary about LGBTQ immigrants, a documentary about progressive religion in Oklahoma, and an animated short film about refugees have Unitarian Universalist connections.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Members and leaders join July 2 “Close the Camps” protests, plan to join July 12 protests.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Thousands of immigrant children are held at for-profit detention center in Florida.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
More UUs in the news: Leslie Mac in Essence, James Reeb on NPR, Tim Berners-Lee on the thirtieth anniversary of the Internet.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Unitarian Universalists provide meeting space, food, money, and volunteer support to local immigrant families disrupted by ICE arrests.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Interfaith “Love Knows No Borders” action held in solidarity with migrants’ right to seek asylum.
Michael Hart -
UU News
UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray and other clergy join No More Deaths effort, bringing 125 gallons of bottled water to desolate region near Arizona-Mexico border.
Sonja L. Cohen -
In the midst of critical justice work, it is essential to practice more deeply our faith.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
UU News
Actions protesting U.S. treatment of migrants and asylum seekers were organized by the Latinx organization Mijente in San Diego on July 2.
Michael Hart -
UU News
Central American asylum seekers, fleeing violence at home, may be released from detention centers to sponsors’ homes.
Elaine McArdle -
Since October, Sujitno and Dahlia Sajuti have lived in a Unitarian Universalist church, pleading to stay in the country they’ve called home for thirty years.
Patrick Sullivan -
UU News
UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, a plaintiff in suit against Arizona county sheriff’s office, says fight for immigrant justice continues.
Elaine McArdle