Everywhere, this time of pandemic and uprisings is offering us lessons that we need to carry forward.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
UU News
UUA’s first online-only General Assembly calls for solidarity with Indigenous communities, supports defunding police, and formalizes human rights investment screen.
Christopher L. Walton -
A message to white Unitarian Universalists.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
UU News
Campaign remains focused amid pivot to social- distancing tactics.
Joshua Eaton -
A Tennessee congregation erases $4.2 million in debt for people in need.
Elaine McArdle -
Unitarian Universalist Association calls for urgent action to support Native American tribe that first welcomed its Pilgrim religious ancestors 400 years ago.
Elaine McArdle -
The crushing interconnectedness of our world’s problems can be leveraged to create a comprehensive solution.
Lily Hartzell -
The Transcendentalists practiced the art of forming and maintaining spiritual friendships transcending differences of gender, social location, theology, politics, and race.
John A. Buehrens -
Empire has failed Puerto Rico. It’s time for us to demand better.
Julio Noboa Polanco -
UU News
General Assembly rallies with local activist groups against expansion of Spokane County Jail, raises almost $40,000 for community center.
Elaine McArdle -
A journalist on the front lines in a battle for criminal justice reform in Spokane, Washington.
Sandra Williams -
Like other young gay men of my generation, I had few role models in the 1980s. I’m wrestling with the reality that I am now an elder.
Kenneth Sutton