I would not be the kind of person I am today if I hadn’t kept searching.
Aneesa Shaikh -
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s key affirmations have been translated into Spanish, French, Farsi, and Thai.
Sonja L. Cohen -
UU News
UUA is working with people of color ministry on a plan for long-term financial and organizational support.
Christopher L. Walton -
In Nicaragua, women cultivate power and share their wisdom with UU feminists from the United States.
Air Nonken -
UU News
Commission on Institutional Change completes investigation of contested hiring process for UUA Southern Region Lead position in 2017, offers reflections and recommendations for ‘fundamental and deep’ changes.
Christopher L. Walton -
UU NewsNews brief: Taquiena Boston named Special Advisor to the President for Inclusion, Equity, and Change
‘This change provides executive leadership for the ongoing internal dialogue of how to decenter white supremacist culture.’
Christopher L. Walton -
Embracing theists is essential to the cultural and spiritual health of Unitarian Universalism.
DeReau K. Farrar -
UU News
UUA’s annual convention will embrace city’s culture and learn from its challenges.
Elaine McArdle -
As a Unitarian Universalist, Kwanzaa gives me—and my multifaith family—a chance to reflect on our commitments to our most deeply held principles.
Takiyah Nur Amin -
Letter to the editor: History of Unitarian interest in world religions is much older, if you remember women.
Staff Writer -
Building on our long history of interfaith partnerships, Unitarian Universalists forge new ties with Muslims, social justice coalitions, and ‘unchurched’ millennials.
Joshua Eaton -
A black UU and her mostly white church grow and change together, and challenge one another.
Michele David