An organic coffee farm and ecotourism lodge founded by a Unitarian Universalist couple is a model for just and sustainable tourism.
David Zucchino -
UU NewsAt site of historic coal miner uprising, activists raise awareness about consequences of mountaintop removal mining.Donald E. Skinner
LifeWhat happened when I vowed to get all my vegetables from a local farmshare.Susan Bagby
SpiritI don't mean misbehavior, but real wildness, elemental wildness, animal wildness.Daniel S. Schatz
IdeasPeople are not trees, of course, but old people have many of the traits we revere in trees.W. Frederick Wooden
UU NewsFederal jury faults Tim DeChristopher for blocking auction of oil and gases leases.Donald E. Skinner
A Unitarian Universalist minister is planting the seeds for a code of ethics for bioengineers, starting with Monsanto, the world's largest producer of genetically modified seeds.
Michelle Bates Deakin -
IdeasOnly when we strip away magical thinking can we see the sacred in everything.Kimberly French
UU NewsUnitarian Universalists promote environmental stewardship with '10-10-10' events.Donald E. Skinner
UU NewsShareholder resolution questions oil company’s $4 million effort to delay California’s global warming law.Jane Greer