LifeDon’t give in to the voice that fuels the fires of perfectionism—especially here at the holidays.Meg Barnhouse
It was Christmas Eve, a time when any sensible person stays safe in his house with a good book. But then Ben’s reading lamp burned out.
Doug Muder -
SpiritThere's no better context than a family reunion to get over your fears.Meg Barnhouse
SpiritOne of them is a mythical creature worth believing in.Meg Barnhouse
IdeasAnxiety can be a major source of energy in our lives and our organizations.Robert Rosen
IdeasBelief and worship are powerful tools for organizing thought and behavior. If others get control of those tools, they can make us dance like puppets. But if we’re careful, we can learn to pull our own strings.Doug Muder
SpiritThe only really upsetting thing about being old is realizing that I'm not going to see how everything comes out.Richard D. Leonard
In bookstores, spirituality is packaged as if it’s a pep pill for overworked managers.
I knew the gunman who killed two in a Knoxville church, but I don’t need an explanation for his actions. I need stories of heroes and kindness and compassion.
Meg Barnhouse -
EditorialFirst impressions of a first-time General Assembly goer.Kimberly French
IdeasCast your goals in mythic terms to make a lasting difference.Tad Waddington
SpiritPeople keep secrets for all kinds of reasons, even Unitarian Universalists.Doug Muder