In a letter to Unitarian Universalist clergy, UUA President Peter Morales says of the incoming Trump administration, ‘We are entering dangerous times.’
Christopher L. Walton -
The world needs people who resist, and people who don’t let anything keep them from dancing.
Erin J. Walter -
UU News
UUs went to church in large numbers yearning for community, solidarity, and ways to serve.
Tina Porter -
The 2017 UUA Common Read is The Third Reconstruction by William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove.
Gail Forsyth-Vail -
UU News
Unitarian Universalist fellowship mobilizes to help before Trump administration rolls back rights.
Michael Hart -
There are people who say they love us, but who voted for someone whose policies and promises threaten us and our beloveds.
Meg Barnhouse -
UU NewsHardline officer charged with criminal contempt of court over treatment of Latinos may get position in Trump administration.Elaine McArdle
Have you ever tried to argue someone out of their racism, their climate change denial, their homophobia? It never works.
Peter Morales -
Tax-deductible charitable giving should not worsen existing inequalities. But it does.
Chuck Collins -
Three books explore the white working-class experience in America.
Doug Muder -
UU News
Failure to stop racial profiling leads to federal charge.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
UU clergy, laypeople part of interfaith ‘Moral Day of Action’ at thirty state capitols.
Elaine McArdle