How is it with your spirit today? Today, my spirit is struck by grief.
Lauren Smith -
Contextual theologies seek to change society and the use of power in society.
Jonalu Johnstone -
who are we the people to keep people / from cropping the ‘amber waves of grain’
Everett Hoagland -
The Harper-Jordan Memorial Symposium declared a Black-centered theology as worth remembering, centering, and fighting for.
Marchaé Grair -
As the fight over reproductive rights continues, not enough is being said about racial disparities in health care.
Kim Hampton -
What in Unitarian Universalism’s central theology requires us to work toward building multicultural, antiracist Beloved Community?
Nancy Palmer Jones, Karin Lin -
UU News
Commission on Institutional Change is collecting testimony through end of September; 60 percent of survey respondents see antiracism work as most important to future of Unitarian Universalism.
Elaine McArdle -
It is easy to hold up a light and declare that everyone is welcome. It is harder to build a place where everyone is truly at home.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
UU News
The Commission invited UUs into conversation and discernment as they shared perspectives on institutional and cultural barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Staff Writer -
Empire has failed Puerto Rico. It’s time for us to demand better.
Julio Noboa Polanco -
A journalist on the front lines in a battle for criminal justice reform in Spokane, Washington.
Sandra Williams -
UU News
Commentary: Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries is renewing its relationship with the UUA.
DRUUMM (Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries)