UU News
The coalition provides potentially life-saving aid to transgender, two-spirit, and other gender-expansive people who live under hostile governments in the United States.
Maryann Batlle -
In a November 10 sermon titled "The Love of Liberty," Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter called on Unitarian Universalists to uphold freedom and progressive values.
Staff Writer -
In a conversation with UU World, Rev. Olaoya challenges UUs to unapologetically center love and set aside intellectualism.
Elaine McArdle -
“Now and here, in this unlikely, perhaps un-replicated, gorgeous world, this shimmering, sorrowing world, we exist, together . . . We are here now, and we all belong. Beloved.”
Victoria Safford -
"When fear grips the heart, or despair bows the head, may we bend as heart and head lead us down to touch the ground beneath our feet."
Margaret A Keip -
In this excerpt from a Skinner House book, Rev. Dr. Adam Robersmith imagines an ecology of love rooted and growing within UU congregations and communities.
Adam Robersmith -
“Let us remember that the smallest seeds of our investment, our care, our embodied faith in the face of a world on fire can in fact bring forth the miraculous.”
Sofía Betancourt -
UU News
In this Q&A, Mary Benard, Publishing Director of Skinner House Books and UUA Publications, shares how staffers across the Association are collaborating to create helpful resources for UUs and congregations.
Staff Writer -
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fullerton’s Social Action Committee fundraised to help people in states with abortion bans travel to California for care.
Deborah Langenbacher -
UU News
Review full text of the statement, which serves as the foundation of all the work of the UUA, its member congregations, and its covenanted communities.
Staff Writer -
UU NewsLove at the Center: New UU Statement of Values Passes after Momentous General Assembly Delegate Vote
The years-long democratic process culminated with debate and the GA vote. A two-thirds majority was required for approval.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Last January, the UUA offered empty commercial space at its headquarters to the state as a free temporary overnight shelter. Roderick, Angela, and their young child are among those granted haven there.
Elaine McArdle