“Now and here, in this unlikely, perhaps un-replicated, gorgeous world, this shimmering, sorrowing world, we exist, together . . . We are here now, and we all belong. Beloved.”
Victoria Safford -
As we make sense of the presidential election results, breathe. “Do not let go of faith and hope and love.”
JJ Flag, Victoria Safford -
"When fear grips the heart, or despair bows the head, may we bend as heart and head lead us down to touch the ground beneath our feet."
Margaret A Keip -
Rev. Joan Javier-Duval reflects on the present-day impacts of the crisis in Vermont and asks us to reimagine what’s possible amid the tumult and loss.
Joan Javier-Duval -
Activist and author Deepa Iyer shares a roadmap for maintaining your own effectiveness and well-being on your social-change journey.
Deepa Iyer -
'You are a light, a lamp in the night to help people find their way, but you cannot be their way.'
Joseph M. Cherry -
Every day I wake up, and I’m more myself than ever before.
Angelle Eve Castro -
"What if I gently, gingerly accepted / that what is is not always what will be?"
Cassandra Montenegro -
How is it with your spirit today? Today, my spirit is struck by grief.
Lauren Smith -
Our Whole Lives offers new program for adults aged 50 and over.
Andrea Dulanto -
New self-assessment tool is helping UUs identify their spiritual priorities.
Elaine McArdle