Dedicated staff, updated programming, and increased resources are among the new offerings.
Jami A. Yandle -
To mark the milestone, revisit photos of some of the joyous events that followed the landmark decision.
Staff Writer -
I am so proud of my trans daughter, and I am ecstatic for the world to see and experience what the embodiment of revolutionary love looks like.
Angélica Canlas Castro -
The UUA's Side With Love team offers a variety of tools to help with public communication in the name of justice.
Jeff Milchen -
I can’t imagine where I’d be had I not found my Unitarian Universalist congregation.
Suzi Chase -
Canadian Unitarian Anthony James organized a video response to an anti-trans rap by a “concerned Alberta mother.”
Kenneth Sutton -
UU News
A weekly guide to stories about Unitarian Universalists from other media sources.
Rachel Walden -
At the Parliament of the World’s Religions and at a conference of LGBTQ religious leaders, my heart reawakened.
Sean Parker Dennison