UU News
UUA Disaster Relief Fund is already providing aid.
Elaine McArdle -
The UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund is spreading help faster and farther.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
California wildfires displace thousands, including Unitarian Universalists; UUA Disaster Relief Fund has already responded.
Michael Hart -
A decade after a fatal shooting, photo book reveals a journey of healing at Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville.
Michelle Bates Deakin -
UU News
Unitarian Universalists lose homes in Hurricane Michael; Panama City fellowship’s least-damaged building is used as relief staging area.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Most congregational properties escaped major damage from Hurricane Florence, but many homes are flooded.
Elaine McArdle -
Extent of damage not known; UUs encouraged to donate to disaster relief fund
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
Harvey flood waters inundated the homes of one in five families at Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church.
Kenny Wiley -
Unitarian Universalist congregations are taking steps to be better prepared for emergencies.
Donald E. Skinner -
UU News
Unitarian Universalist Disaster Relief Fund, already making grants to hurricane victims, also helps congregations in towns ravaged by California wildfires.
Tina Porter -
UU News
California Unitarian Universalists offer their homes as fires overwhelm communities.
Tina Porter -
UU News
With more than $350,000 given to UUA-UUSC Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund, UUA closes appeal and urges donors to support broader Disaster Relief Fund instead.
Christopher L. Walton