In this quick guide, Rev. Shige Sakurai uses elemental symbolism to represent each area of focus designed to facilitate long-term change.
Shige Sakurai (they/them) -
‘Organizers have never changed the world without groups of people who trusted them to hold that future imagining.’
Antoinette Scully -
Community Unitarian Universalist Church in Plano, Texas, created banners from the messages of love and support sent from other UUs.
Aija Duelm -
You must be willing / to dream a dream / that carries forward / your community
Julián Jamaica Soto -
Grief work helps us find “devotion, courage, and resistance” going forward, writes Ladd.
Nancy McDonald Ladd -
Dedicated staff, updated programming, and increased resources are among the new offerings.
Jami A. Yandle -
In a November 10 sermon titled "The Love of Liberty," Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter called on Unitarian Universalists to uphold freedom and progressive values.
Staff Writer -
In a conversation with UU World, Rev. Olaoya challenges UUs to unapologetically center love and set aside intellectualism.
Elaine McArdle -
“Now and here, in this unlikely, perhaps un-replicated, gorgeous world, this shimmering, sorrowing world, we exist, together . . . We are here now, and we all belong. Beloved.”
Victoria Safford -
As we make sense of the presidential election results, breathe. “Do not let go of faith and hope and love.”
JJ Flag, Victoria Safford -
"When fear grips the heart, or despair bows the head, may we bend as heart and head lead us down to touch the ground beneath our feet."
Margaret A Keip -
If ever there was a time for you to become / who you always dreamed you could be, it is now
Alix Klingenberg