IdeasIf someone on an elevator asked you what Unitarian Universalism is, could you answer before one of you reached your destination?Doug Muder
SpiritCertainty is the most dangerous demon of all.James Ishmael Ford
A clear-eyed understanding of our religious differences may be the best hope for promoting cooperation among different religions.
Dan Harper -
SpiritIf our beliefs have meaning, we must act as if our souls depend on it.Jeffrey A. Lockwood
Ideas2010 is the bicentennial of the most influential Unitarian minister who ever lived.Dean Grodzins
SpiritThere's enough for you. There's enough for me. We don't have to throw anybody under the bus.Keith Ellison
EditorialHow the hospitality of progressive churches cultivates forgiveness and justice.John A. Buehrens
SpiritSometimes the place where you used to find wisdom gets destroyed.Meg Barnhouse
IdeasWhere should we assign the burden of proof for ideas about the afterlife?Doug Muder
Suffering is not redemptive; we must take human responsibility for eradicating it.
Colin Bossen -
SpiritThere is no land promised to any of us other than the land already given, the world already here.Rebecca Parker
LifeI haven't played chess in decades, yet somehow I've ended up with a chess player's worldview.Doug Muder