SpiritUnitarian Universalist history is the story of gadflies and incurable heretics always inconveniently pushing the boundaries of convention.
IdeasTheodore Parker did more to establish our justice-seeking heritage than anyone else, but he did so out of his own struggle to understand God.Rosemary Bray McNatt
EditorialWe are all interrelated participants in the big picture that is the universe. Process philosophers call that big picture 'God.'Gary Kowalski
Our congregations are only starting to embrace what we teach our children.
The Rev. Mr. Barb Greve -
IdeasA new series of children's books from the team that produced 'uu&me!' magazine.Sonja L. Cohen
Although his true villains are never redeemed, Dickens' novels demonstrate that good wins in the end.
Susan Jhirad -
EditorialHelping children see that science and religion are not hopelessly divided.Amy Hassinger
IdeasThe UU Scholars and Friends group meets at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society for Biblical Literature.Emily R. Mace
IdeasHow long should someone, unable to live on her own, be kept alive?W. Frederick Wooden
IdeasNew book about congregations and ministers working together.Kenneth Sutton
Welcoming change requires a strong sense of a congregation's mission.
Joanna Fontaine Crawford