UU News
Delegates affirm importance of issues raised by three proposed Actions of Immediate Witness that did not make it onto the final agenda.
Christopher L. Walton -
UU News
‘As Unitarian Universalists, we are first and foremost religious communities that practice love as our foundation—and we are living in times of heartbreak, violence, and pain.’
Staff Writer -
UU News
Liberal Religious Educators Association ‘leads at the margins of our faith,’ says UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray.
Sonja L. Cohen -
UU News
UUA General Assembly continues focus on dismantling white supremacy. Resolutions condemn criminalization of migrants, call for end to private prisons, and urge support for indigenous water protectors.
Christopher L. Walton -
UU News
‘The more you benefit from supremacy the more responsible you have to be to dismantle it,’ Brittany Packnett tells Unitarian Universalists gathered in Kansas City.
Staff Writer -
UU News
Over fifty-seven years of ministry, the Rev. Charles Gaines has ‘modeled a Unitarian Universalism that can be.’
Sonja L. Cohen -
UU News
Religious educator Aisha Hauser ‘has not just brought dignity—she has redefined dignity,’ says award presenter Jessica York.
Sonja L. Cohen -
UU News
The Rev. Danielle Assunta Di Bona receives the UUA’s highest honor for years of service and chaplain work.
Sonja L. Cohen -
UU News
During brief protest of Unitarian Universalist support for LGBT lives by Westboro Baptist Church, police arrest a local activist. General Assembly Safety Team works to de-escalate situation with police.
Elaine McArdle -
UU News
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s fifty-seventh General Assembly begins in Kansas City, Missouri, June 20, 2018.
Kenneth Sutton -
It is important to be honest about our complicated history, not to bring shame or guilt, but to bring understanding that can inform our faith today.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
UU News
Changes will simplify social witness resolutions process, remove gendered language, and allow for co-moderators.
Elaine McArdle