Breakthrough Congregations

  • Ideas

    A new location for a Michigan congregation opened up opportunities to help immigrants and refugees. Moving has been nothing short of transformative.

    Heather Beasley Doyle
  • Editorial

    Forty hours of Chalice Camp is almost as much time as kids would get in a full year of Sunday school.

    Nicole Sweeney Etter
  • Life

    Embracing an innovative shared leadership model has created a happier, more vital congregation in Athens, Georgia.

    Michael Hart
  • Editorial

    The newly reimagined Breakthrough Congregations program honors innovations that energize congregations. Nominate your congregation’s most inspiring initiative.

    Christopher L. Walton
  • Life

    Mission Peak is a congregation willing to ‘try things, mess up, and keep on trying.’

    Kenny Wiley
  • Editorial

    The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon works to embrace rapid growth and a grand new building without surrendering its culture.

    Elaine McArdle
  • Life

    People sense the energy at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County in Media, Pennsylvania—and they want to be part of it.

    Tina Porter
  • Life

    Enthusiastic and growing, a lay-led Colorado fellowship invites its first minister.

    Michael Hart
